DataDog / dd-trace-py

Datadog Python APM Client
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TypeError: 'type' object does not support item assignment #8219

Closed dannosaur closed 3 days ago

dannosaur commented 5 months ago

Summary of problem

  File "ddtrace/internal/", line 56, in run
  File "ddtrace/profiling/collector/", line 42, in periodic
    for events in self.collect():
  File "ddtrace/profiling/collector/stack.pyx", line 511, in ddtrace.profiling.collector.stack.StackCollector.collect
  File "ddtrace/profiling/collector/stack.pyx", line 351, in ddtrace.profiling.collector.stack.stack_collect
  File "ddtrace/profiling/collector/_traceback.pyx", line 54, in ddtrace.profiling.collector._traceback.pyframe_to_frames
  File "ddtrace/profiling/collector/_traceback.pyx", line 92, in ddtrace.profiling.collector._traceback.pyframe_to_frames
  File "ddtrace/profiling/collector/_traceback.pyx", line 20, in ddtrace.profiling.collector._traceback._extract_class_name

Which version of dd-trace-py are you using?


Which version of pip are you using?


Which libraries and their versions are you using?

See #8132

How can we reproduce your problem?

No idea

What is the result that you get?


What is the result that you expected?

No error :)

emmettbutler commented 5 months ago

Thanks @dannosaur. Is it possible that there's more to the traceback?

dannosaur commented 5 months ago

Unfortunately not, this is the same situation as the other issue I posted whereby the stack trace was copy/pasted from our Sentry instance and this is all that it gave me.


dannosaur commented 5 months ago

I should add that I'm willing to run test builds with extra log output if necessary to help try and get to the bottom of what's happening. There's a non-zero chance our app is doing something stupid, but I have no way to figure out what might be triggering it.

P403n1x87 commented 5 months ago

@dannosaur Thanks for reporting this. As suspected, the handling of the SystemError exception has brought to light a different exception on the same line πŸ™ . We suspect this is due to a potentially corrupt frame object being passed around. Line 20 in _traceback.pyx is not an item assignment statement, so I suspect the exception might be thrown from some internals. I have drafted #8223, if you could be so kind again to give it a try πŸ™ . In the meantime, we are working on a more robust way of stack sampling that should allow us to avoid these kind of issues entirely.

dannosaur commented 5 months ago

I've just updated our project to use your branch for #8223. If you merge it in and you rebase your fork let me know so I can update our requirements file since the commit hash will change.

I'll keep you posted.

dannosaur commented 5 months ago

Bit of an update on this. We didn't have a release cycle this week, so this hasn't gone as far as I'd hoped yet. That said, it's been running on our dev platform since I last posted and there's been no ddtrace errors whatsoever since. Granted it's our production environment that has all the edge cases.

It'll go out to production on Tuesday 2/13 and I'll have a more definitive result for you.

P403n1x87 commented 5 months ago

@dannosaur thanks for the update πŸ™

dannosaur commented 5 months ago

@P403n1x87 so your branch has been in production for a couple days now. I cleared out the Sentry errors for ddtrace when it was deployed so I'd have a clearer picture. This particular error hasn't been seen since, however #8218 persists.

We've also seen a new error, only once (over probabiy hundreds of millions of requests), so I'll post that one as a new issue. It's possible that this new error is being uncovered as a result of the work you've done on your branch.

P403n1x87 commented 5 months ago

@dannosaur many thanks for the feedback thus far πŸ™ . I'll get the proposed change merged then, so that it can be delivered via the next patch release. Meanwhile I'll have a look at the other issues and see what we can do about them.

github-actions[bot] commented 3 days ago

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