DataDog / helm-charts

Helm charts for Datadog products
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Datadog agent fails to start on Flatcar 2983.2.0 kubernetes nodes #473

Closed gerrit8143 closed 2 years ago

gerrit8143 commented 2 years ago

Describe what happened: after upgrading our nodes from Flatcar 2905.2.5 to 2983.2.0 datadog refuses to start:

NAME                                          READY   STATUS     RESTARTS   AGE    IP           NODE                                           NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
datadog-cluster-agent-6fc577dd64-5t6gx        1/1     Running    0          18m    <none>           <none>
datadog-dr9vh                                 0/2     Init:0/2   0          18m    <none>    <none>           <none>
datadog-hz5sl                                 0/2     Init:0/2   0          18m    <none>   <none>           <none>
datadog-kube-state-metrics-699964c777-lxw5n   1/1     Running    0          117m    <none>           <none>
datadog-nbxqk                                 0/2     Init:0/2   0          18m    <none>    <none>           <none>
datadog-t6c7b                                 0/2     Init:0/2   0          18m    <none>    <none>           <none>
datadog-vfvft                                 0/2     Init:0/2   0          18m    <none>    <none>           <none>
datadog-x2lrp                                 0/2     Init:0/2   0          18m    <none>     <none>           <none>
  Type     Reason                  Age                    From               Message
  ----     ------                  ----                   ----               -------
  Normal   Scheduled               19m                    default-scheduler  Successfully assigned datadog/datadog-x2lrp to
  Warning  FailedCreatePodSandBox  19m (x13 over 19m)     kubelet            Failed to create pod sandbox: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to start sandbox container for pod "datadog-x2lrp": Error response from daemon: failed to create shim: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:380: starting container process caused: process_linux.go:545: container init caused: failed to set /proc/self/attr/keycreate on procfs: write /proc/self/attr/keycreate: invalid argument: unknown
  Normal   SandboxChanged          4m29s (x847 over 19m)  kubelet            Pod sandbox changed, it will be killed and re-created.

Describe what you expected: datadog runs

Steps to reproduce the issue: use Flatcar 2983.2.0 (same with 2983.2.1)

Additional environment details (Operating System, Cloud provider, etc): Flatcar 2983.2.0 on Kubernetes v1.20.9

clamoriniere commented 2 years ago

Hi @gerrit8143 Could you provide the values.yaml or the option used to deploy the agent, the chart version and the container runtime that you are using in the cluster 🙇

For what I see from the pod list, it is an issue to create the init-containers.

gerrit8143 commented 2 years ago

Hi @clamoriniere currently we use the latest datadog helm chart 2.27.7 but we had the same issue with 2.26.3, container runtime is docker://20.10.11

## Default values for Datadog Agent
## See Datadog helm documentation to learn more:

# nameOverride -- Override name of app
nameOverride:  # ""

# fullnameOverride -- Override the full qualified app name
fullnameOverride:  # ""

# targetSystem -- Target OS for this deployment (possible values: linux, windows)
targetSystem: "linux"

# registry -- Registry to use for all Agent images (default
## Currently we offer Datadog Agent images on:
## GCR - use (default)
## DockerHub - use
## AWS - use

  # datadog.apiKey -- Your Datadog API key
  # ref:
  apiKey: <apikey>

  # datadog.apiKeyExistingSecret -- Use existing Secret which stores API key instead of creating a new one
  ## If set, this parameter takes precedence over "apiKey".
  apiKeyExistingSecret:  # <DATADOG_API_KEY_SECRET>

  # datadog.appKey -- Datadog APP key required to use metricsProvider
  ## If you are using clusterAgent.metricsProvider.enabled = true, you must set
  ## a Datadog application key for read access to your metrics.
  appKey:  # <DATADOG_APP_KEY>

  # datadog.appKeyExistingSecret -- Use existing Secret which stores APP key instead of creating a new one
  ## If set, this parameter takes precedence over "appKey".
  appKeyExistingSecret:  # <DATADOG_APP_KEY_SECRET>

  # datadog.securityContext -- Allows you to overwrite the default PodSecurityContext on the Daemonset or Deployment
  securityContext: {}
  #  seLinuxOptions:
  #    user: "system_u"
  #    role: "system_r"
  #    type: "spc_t"
  #    level: "s0"

  # datadog.hostVolumeMountPropagation -- Allow to specify the `mountPropagation` value on all volumeMounts using HostPath
  ## ref:
  hostVolumeMountPropagation: None

  # datadog.clusterName -- Set a unique cluster name to allow scoping hosts and Cluster Checks easily
  ## The name must be unique and must be dot-separated tokens with the following restrictions:
  ## * Lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens only.
  ## * Must start with a letter.
  ## * Must end with a number or a letter.
  ## * Overall length should not be higher than 80 characters.
  ## Compared to the rules of GKE, dots are allowed whereas they are not allowed on GKE:

  # -- The site of the Datadog intake to send Agent data to
  ## Set to '' to send data to the EU site.

  # datadog.dd_url -- The host of the Datadog intake server to send Agent data to, only set this option if you need the Agent to send data to a custom URL
  ## Overrides the site setting defined in "site".
  dd_url:  #

  # datadog.logLevel -- Set logging verbosity, valid log levels are: trace, debug, info, warn, error, critical, off
  logLevel: INFO

  # datadog.kubeStateMetricsEnabled -- If true, deploys the kube-state-metrics deployment
  ## ref:
  kubeStateMetricsEnabled: true

    # datadog.kubeStateMetricsNetworkPolicy.create -- If true, create a NetworkPolicy for kube state metrics
    create: false

  ## Manage Cluster checks feature
  ## ref:
  ## Autodiscovery via Kube Service annotations is automatically enabled
    # datadog.clusterChecks.enabled -- Enable the Cluster Checks feature on both the cluster-agents and the daemonset
    enabled: false

  # datadog.nodeLabelsAsTags -- Provide a mapping of Kubernetes Node Labels to Datadog Tags
  # aws-instance-type
  # kube_role
  # datadog.podLabelsAsTags -- Provide a mapping of Kubernetes Labels to Datadog Tags
  podLabelsAsTags: {}
  #   app: kube_app
  #   release: helm_release

  # datadog.podAnnotationsAsTags -- Provide a mapping of Kubernetes Annotations to Datadog Tags
  podAnnotationsAsTags: {}
  # kube_iamrole

  # datadog.tags -- List of static tags to attach to every metric, event and service check collected by this Agent.
  ## Learn more about tagging:
  tags: []
  #   - "<KEY_1>:<VALUE_1>"
  #   - "<KEY_2>:<VALUE_2>"

  # kubelet configuration
    # -- Override kubelet IP
          fieldPath: status.hostIP
    # datadog.kubelet.tlsVerify -- Toggle kubelet TLS verification
    tlsVerify: false

  ## dogstatsd configuration
  ## ref:
  ## To emit custom metrics from your Kubernetes application, use DogStatsD.
    # datadog.dogstatsd.port -- Override the Agent DogStatsD port
    ## Note: Make sure your client is sending to the same UDP port.
    port: 8125

    # datadog.dogstatsd.originDetection -- Enable origin detection for container tagging
    originDetection: true

    # datadog.dogstatsd.tags -- List of static tags to attach to every custom metric, event and service check collected by Dogstatsd.
    ## Learn more about tagging:
    tags: []
    #   - "<KEY_1>:<VALUE_1>"
    #   - "<KEY_2>:<VALUE_2>"

    # datadog.dogstatsd.tagCardinality -- Sets the tag cardinality relative to the origin detection
    tagCardinality: low
    # datadog.dogstatsd.useSocketVolume -- Enable dogstatsd over Unix Domain Socket
    ## ref:
    useSocketVolume: false

    # datadog.dogstatsd.socketPath -- Path to the DogStatsD socket
    socketPath: /var/run/datadog/dsd.socket

    # datadog.dogstatsd.hostSocketPath -- Host path to the DogStatsD socket
    hostSocketPath: /var/run/datadog/

    # datadog.dogstatsd.useHostPort -- Sets the hostPort to the same value of the container port
    ## Needs to be used for sending custom metrics.
    ## The ports need to be available on all hosts.
    ## WARNING: Make sure that hosts using this are properly firewalled otherwise
    ## metrics and traces are accepted from any host able to connect to this host.
    useHostPort: true

    # datadog.dogstatsd.useHostPID -- Run the agent in the host's PID namespace
    ## This is required for Dogstatsd origin detection to work.
    ## See
    useHostPID: true

    # datadog.dogstatsd.nonLocalTraffic -- Enable this to make each node accept non-local statsd traffic (from outside of the pod)
    ## ref:
    nonLocalTraffic: true

  # datadog.collectEvents -- Enables this to start event collection from the kubernetes API
  ## ref:
  collectEvents: true

  # datadog.leaderElection -- Enables leader election mechanism for event collection
  leaderElection: true

  # datadog.leaderLeaseDuration -- Set the lease time for leader election in second
  leaderLeaseDuration:  # 60

  ## Enable logs agent and provide custom configs
    # datadog.logs.enabled -- Enables this to activate Datadog Agent log collection
    ## ref:
    enabled: true

    # datadog.logs.containerCollectAll -- Enable this to allow log collection for all containers
    ## ref:
    containerCollectAll: true

    # datadog.logs.containerCollectUsingFiles -- Collect logs from files in /var/log/pods instead of using container runtime API
    ## It's usually the most efficient way of collecting logs.
    ## ref:
    containerCollectUsingFiles: true

  ## Enable apm agent and provide custom configs
    # datadog.apm.enabled -- Enable this to enable APM and tracing, on port 8126
    ## ref:
    enabled: false

    # datadog.apm.port -- Override the trace Agent port
    ## Note: Make sure your client is sending to the same UDP port.
    port: 8126

    # datadog.apm.useSocketVolume -- Enable APM over Unix Domain Socket
    ## ref:
    useSocketVolume: false

    # datadog.apm.socketPath -- Path to the trace-agent socket
    socketPath: /var/run/datadog/apm.socket

    # datadog.apm.hostSocketPath -- Host path to the trace-agent socket
    hostSocketPath: /var/run/datadog/

  # datadog.envFrom -- Set environment variables for all Agents directly from configMaps and/or secrets
  ## envFrom to pass configmaps or secrets as environment
  envFrom: []
  #   - configMapRef:
  #       name: <CONFIGMAP_NAME>
  #   - secretRef:
  #       name: <SECRET_NAME>

  # datadog.env -- Set environment variables for all Agents
  ## The Datadog Agent supports many environment variables.
  ## ref:
      value: "kube_namespace:monitoring"
    - name: DD_AC_EXCLUDE
      value: "kube_namespace:datadog kube_namespace:velero kube_namespace:cost-analyzer"
      value: 'orchestrator'
      value: '{"*":"kube_pod_label_%%label%%"}'
    - name: DD_ENV
      value: 'test'
    - name: DD_TAGS
      value: ''
  # datadog.confd -- Provide additional check configurations (static and Autodiscovery)
  ## Each key becomes a file in /conf.d
  ## ref:
  ## ref:
    # redisdb.yaml: |-
    #   init_config:
    #   instances:
    #     - host: "name"
    #       port: "6379"
    kube_apiserver_metrics.yaml: |-
      - kube-apiserver
      - prometheus_url: "https://%%host%%:443/metrics"
        bearer_token_auth: true
        - "apiserver:%%host%%"
  # datadog.checksd -- Provide additional custom checks as python code
  ## Each key becomes a file in /checks.d
  ## ref:
  checksd: {}
  # |-

  # datadog.dockerSocketPath -- Path to the docker socket
  dockerSocketPath:  # /var/run/docker.sock

  # datadog.criSocketPath -- Path to the container runtime socket (if different from Docker)
  criSocketPath:  # /var/run/containerd/containerd.sock

  ## Enable process agent and provide custom configs
    # datadog.processAgent.enabled -- Set this to true to enable live process monitoring agent
    ## Note: /etc/passwd is automatically mounted to allow username resolution.
    ## ref:
    enabled: false

    # datadog.processAgent.processCollection -- Set this to true to enable process collection in process monitoring agent
    ## Requires processAgent.enabled to be set to true to have any effect
    processCollection: true

  ## Enable systemProbe agent and provide custom configs

    # datadog.systemProbe.debugPort -- Specify the port to expose pprof and expvar for system-probe agent
    debugPort: 0

    # datadog.systemProbe.enableConntrack -- Enable the system-probe agent to connect to the netlink/conntrack subsystem to add NAT information to connection data
    ## Ref:
    enableConntrack: false

    # datadog.systemProbe.seccomp -- Apply an ad-hoc seccomp profile to the system-probe agent to restrict its privileges
    ## Note that this will break `kubectl exec … -c system-probe -- /bin/bash`
    seccomp: localhost/system-probe

    # datadog.systemProbe.seccompRoot -- Specify the seccomp profile root directory
    seccompRoot: /var/lib/kubelet/seccomp

    # datadog.systemProbe.bpfDebug -- Enable logging for kernel debug
    bpfDebug: false

    # datadog.systemProbe.apparmor -- Specify a apparmor profile for system-probe
    apparmor: unconfined

    # datadog.systemProbe.enableTCPQueueLength -- Enable the TCP queue length eBPF-based check
    enableTCPQueueLength: false

    # datadog.systemProbe.enableOOMKill -- Enable the OOM kill eBPF-based check
    enableOOMKill: false

    # datadog.systemProbe.collectDNSStats -- Enable DNS stat collection
    collectDNSStats: true

    # datadog.orchestratorExplorer.enabled -- Set this to false to disable the orchestrator explorer
    ## This requires processAgent.enabled and clusterAgent.enabled to be set to true
    ## ref: TODO - add doc link
    enabled: true

    # datadog.orchestratorExplorer.container_scrubbing -- Enable the scrubbing of containers in the kubernetes resource YAML for sensitive information
    ## The container scrubbing is taking significant resources during data collection.
    ## If you notice that the cluster-agent uses too much CPU in larger clusters
    ## turning this option off will improve the situation.
      enabled: true

    # datadog.networkMonitoring.enabled -- Enable network performance monitoring
    enabled: false

  ## Enable security agent and provide custom configs
      # datadog.securityAgent.compliance.enabled -- Set this to true to enable compliance checks
      enabled: false

      # datadog.securityAgent.compliance.configMap -- Contains compliance benchmarks that will be used

      # datadog.securityAgent.compliance.checkInterval -- Compliance check run interval
      checkInterval: 20m

      # datadog.securityAgent.runtime.enabled -- Set to true to enable the Security Runtime Module
      enabled: false

        # datadog.securityAgent.runtime.policies.configMap -- Contains policies that will be used

        # datadog.securityAgent.runtime.syscallMonitor.enabled -- Set to true to enable the Syscall monitoring.
        enabled: false 

  ## Manage NetworkPolicy
    # datadog.networkPolicy.create -- If true, create NetworkPolicy for all the components
    create: false

    # datadog.networkPolicy.flavor -- Flavor of the network policy to use.
    # Can be:
    # * kubernetes for
    # * cilium     for
    flavor: kubernetes

      # datadog.networkPolicy.cilium.dnsSelector -- Cilium selector of the DNS server entity
      # @default -- kube-dns in namespace kube-system
          - matchLabels:
              "k8s:io.kubernetes.pod.namespace": kube-system
              "k8s:k8s-app": kube-dns

## This is the Datadog Cluster Agent implementation that handles cluster-wide
## metrics more cleanly, separates concerns for better rbac, and implements
## the external metrics API so you can autoscale HPAs based on datadog metrics
## ref:
  # clusterAgent.enabled -- Set this to false to disable Datadog Cluster Agent
  enabled: true

  ## Define the Datadog Cluster-Agent image to work with
    # -- Cluster Agent image name to use (relative to `registry`)
    name: cluster-agent

    # clusterAgent.image.tag -- Cluster Agent image tag to use
    # tag: 1.11.0

    # clusterAgent.image.repository -- Override default registry + for Cluster Agent

    # clusterAgent.image.pullPolicy -- Cluster Agent image pullPolicy
    pullPolicy: IfNotPresent

    # clusterAgent.image.pullSecrets -- Cluster Agent repository pullSecret (ex: specify docker registry credentials)
    ## See
    pullSecrets: []
    #   - name: "<REG_SECRET>"

  # clusterAgent.securityContext -- Allows you to overwrite the default PodSecurityContext on the cluster-agent pods.
  securityContext: {}

  # clusterAgent.command -- Command to run in the Cluster Agent container as entrypoint
  command: []

  # clusterAgent.token -- Cluster Agent token is a preshared key between node agents and cluster agent (autogenerated if empty, needs to be at least 32 characters a-zA-z)
  token: ""

  # clusterAgent.tokenExistingSecret -- Existing secret name to use for Cluster Agent token
  tokenExistingSecret: ""

  # clusterAgent.replicas -- Specify the of cluster agent replicas, if > 1 it allow the cluster agent to work in HA mode.
  replicas: 1

  ## Provide Cluster Agent Deployment pod(s) RBAC configuration
    # clusterAgent.rbac.create -- If true, create & use RBAC resources
    create: true

    # clusterAgent.rbac.serviceAccountName -- Specify service account name to use (usually pre-existing, created if create is true)
    serviceAccountName: datadog

  ## Provide Cluster Agent PodSecurityPolicy configuration
      # clusterAgent.podSecurity.podSecurityPolicy.create -- If true, create a PodSecurityPolicy resource for Cluster Agent pods
      create: true

  # Enable the metricsProvider to be able to scale based on metrics in Datadog
    # clusterAgent.metricsProvider.enabled -- Set this to true to enable Metrics Provider
    enabled: true

    # clusterAgent.metricsProvider.wpaController -- Enable informer and controller of the watermark pod autoscaler
    ## NOTE: You need to install the `WatermarkPodAutoscaler` CRD before
    wpaController: false

    # clusterAgent.metricsProvider.useDatadogMetrics -- Enable usage of DatadogMetric CRD to autoscale on arbitrary Datadog queries
    ## NOTE: You need to install the `DatadogMetric` CRD before
    useDatadogMetrics: true

    # clusterAgent.metricsProvider.createReaderRbac -- Create `external-metrics-reader` RBAC automatically (to allow HPA to read data from Cluster Agent)
    createReaderRbac: true

    # clusterAgent.metricsProvider.aggregator -- Define the aggregator the cluster agent will use to process the metrics. The options are (avg, min, max, sum)
    aggregator: avg

    ## Configuration for the service for the cluster-agent metrics server
      # clusterAgent.metricsProvider.service.type -- Set type of cluster-agent metrics server service
      type: ClusterIP

      # clusterAgent.metricsProvider.service.port -- Set port of cluster-agent metrics server service (Kubernetes >= 1.15)
      port: 8443

  # clusterAgent.env -- Set environment variables specific to Cluster Agent
  ## The Cluster-Agent supports many additional environment variables
  ## ref:
  env: []

    # clusterAgent.admissionController.enabled -- Enable the admissionController to be able to inject APM/Dogstatsd config and standard tags (env, service, version) automatically into your pods
    enabled: false

    # clusterAgent.admissionController.mutateUnlabelled -- Enable injecting config without having the pod label '"true"'
    mutateUnlabelled: false

  # clusterAgent.confd -- Provide additional cluster check configurations
  ## Each key will become a file in /conf.d
  ## ref:
    # mysql.yaml: |-
    #   cluster_check: true
    #   instances:
    #     - server: '<EXTERNAL_IP>'
    #       port: 3306
    #       user: datadog
    #       pass: '<YOUR_CHOSEN_PASSWORD>'
    kubernetes_state.yaml: |-
        - kube-state-metrics
        - kube_state_url: http://%%host%%:8080/metrics
          join_standard_tags: true
    kube_apiserver_metrics.yaml: |-
      - kube-apiserver
      - prometheus_url: "https://%%host%%:443/metrics"
        bearer_token_auth: true
        - "apiserver:%%host%%"

  # clusterAgent.resources -- Datadog cluster-agent resource requests and limits.
  resources: {}
  # requests:
  #   cpu: 200m
  #   memory: 256Mi
  # limits:
  #   cpu: 200m
  #   memory: 256Mi

  # clusterAgent.priorityClassName -- Name of the priorityClass to apply to the Cluster Agent
  priorityClassName: system-cluster-critical

  # clusterAgent.nodeSelector -- Allow the Cluster Agent Deployment to be scheduled on selected nodes
  ## Ref:
  ## Ref:
  nodeSelector: {}

  # clusterAgent.affinity -- Allow the Cluster Agent Deployment to schedule using affinity rules
  ## Ref:
  affinity: {}

  # clusterAgent.healthPort -- Port number to use in the Cluster Agent for the healthz endpoint
  healthPort: 5555

  # clusterAgent.livenessProbe -- Override default Cluster Agent liveness probe settings
  # @default -- Every 15s / 6 KO / 1 OK
    initialDelaySeconds: 15
    periodSeconds: 15
    timeoutSeconds: 5
    successThreshold: 1
    failureThreshold: 6

  # clusterAgent.readinessProbe -- Override default Cluster Agent readiness probe settings
  # @default -- Every 15s / 6 KO / 1 OK
    initialDelaySeconds: 15
    periodSeconds: 15
    timeoutSeconds: 5
    successThreshold: 1
    failureThreshold: 6

  # clusterAgent.strategy -- Allow the Cluster Agent deployment to perform a rolling update on helm update
  ## ref:
    type: RollingUpdate
      maxSurge: 1
      maxUnavailable: 0

  # clusterAgent.podAnnotations -- Annotations to add to the cluster-agents's pod(s)
  podAnnotations: {}
  #   key: "value"

  # clusterAgent.useHostNetwork -- Bind ports on the hostNetwork
  ## Useful for CNI networking where hostPort might
  ## not be supported. The ports need to be available on all hosts. It can be
  ## used for custom metrics instead of a service endpoint.
  ## WARNING: Make sure that hosts using this are properly firewalled otherwise
  ## metrics and traces are accepted from any host able to connect to this host.
  useHostNetwork:  # true

  # clusterAgent.dnsConfig -- Specify dns configuration options for datadog cluster agent containers e.g ndots
  ## ref:
  dnsConfig: {}
  #  options:
  #  - name: ndots
  #    value: "1"

  # clusterAgent.volumes -- Specify additional volumes to mount in the cluster-agent container
  volumes: []
  #   - hostPath:
  #       path: <HOST_PATH>
  #     name: <VOLUME_NAME>

  # clusterAgent.volumeMounts -- Specify additional volumes to mount in the cluster-agent container
  volumeMounts: []
  #   - name: <VOLUME_NAME>
  #     mountPath: <CONTAINER_PATH>
  #     readOnly: true

  # clusterAgent.datadog_cluster_yaml -- Specify custom contents for the datadog cluster agent config (datadog-cluster.yaml)
  datadog_cluster_yaml: {}

  # clusterAgent.createPodDisruptionBudget -- Create pod disruption budget for Cluster Agent deployments
  createPodDisruptionBudget: false

    # clusterAgent.networkPolicy.create -- If true, create a NetworkPolicy for the cluster agent.
    # DEPRECATED. Use datadog.networkPolicy.create instead
    create: false

  # clusterAgent.additionalLabels -- Adds labels to the Cluster Agent deployment and pods
  additionalLabels: {}
    # key: "value"

  # agents.enabled -- You should keep Datadog DaemonSet enabled!
  ## The exceptional case could be a situation when you need to run
  ## single Datadog pod per every namespace, but you do not need to
  ## re-create a DaemonSet for every non-default namespace install.
  ## Note: StatsD and DogStatsD work over UDP, so you may not
  ## get guaranteed delivery of the metrics in Datadog-per-namespace setup!
  enabled: true

  ## Define the Datadog image to work with
    # -- Datadog Agent image name to use (relative to `registry`)
    ## use "dogstatsd" for Standalone Datadog Agent DogStatsD 7
    name: agent

    # agents.image.tag -- Define the Agent version to use
    ## Use 7-jmx to enable jmx fetch collection
    tag: 7-jmx

    # agents.image.repository -- Override default registry + for Agent

    # agents.image.doNotCheckTag -- Skip the version<>chart compatibility check
    ## By default, the version passed in agents.image.tag is checked
    ## for compatibility with the version of the chart.
    ## This boolean permits to completely skip this check.
    ## This is useful, for example, for custom tags that are not
    ## respecting semantic versioning
    doNotCheckTag:  # false

    # agents.image.pullPolicy -- Datadog Agent image pull policy
    pullPolicy: IfNotPresent

    # agents.image.pullSecrets -- Datadog Agent repository pullSecret (ex: specify docker registry credentials)
    ## See
    pullSecrets: []
    #   - name: "<REG_SECRET>"

  ## Provide Daemonset RBAC configuration
    # agents.rbac.create -- If true, create & use RBAC resources
    create: true

    # agents.rbac.serviceAccountName -- Specify service account name to use (usually pre-existing, created if create is true)
    serviceAccountName: datadog

  ## Provide Daemonset PodSecurityPolicy configuration
      # agents.podSecurity.podSecurityPolicy.create -- If true, create a PodSecurityPolicy resource for Agent pods
      create: true

      # agents.podSecurity.securityContextConstraints.create -- If true, create a SecurityContextConstraints resource for Agent pods
      create: false

    # agents.podSecurity.seLinuxContext -- Provide seLinuxContext configuration for PSP/SCC
    # @default -- Must run as spc_t
      rule: MustRunAs
        user: system_u
        role: system_r
        type: spc_t
        level: s0

    # agents.podSecurity.privileged -- If true, Allow to run privileged containers
    privileged: true

    # agents.podSecurity.capabilites -- Allowed capabilites
      - SYS_ADMIN
      - SYS_PTRACE
      - NET_ADMIN
      - IPC_LOCK
      - AUDIT_READ

    # agents.podSecurity.volumes -- Allowed volumes types
      - configMap
      - downwardAPI
      - emptyDir
      - hostPath
      - secret

    # agents.podSecurity.seccompProfiles -- Allowed seccomp profiles
      - "runtime/default"
      - "localhost/system-probe"

    # agents.podSecurity.apparmorProfiles -- Allowed apparmor profiles
      - "runtime/default"
      - "unconfined"

      # agents.podSecurity.apparmor.enabled -- If true, enable apparmor enforcement
      ## see:
      enabled: false

      # agents.containers.agent.env -- Additional environment variables for the agent container
      env: []
      # agents.containers.agent.logLevel -- Set logging verbosity, valid log levels are: trace, debug, info, warn, error, critical, and off
      ## If not set, fall back to the value of datadog.logLevel.
      logLevel:  # INFO

      # agents.containers.agent.resources -- Resource requests and limits for the agent container.
      resources: {}
      #  requests:
      #    cpu: 200m
      #    memory: 256Mi
      #  limits:
      #    cpu: 200m
      #    memory: 256Mi

      # agents.containers.agent.healthPort -- Port number to use in the node agent for the healthz endpoint
      healthPort: 5555

      # agents.containers.agent.livenessProbe -- Override default agent liveness probe settings
      # @default -- Every 15s / 6 KO / 1 OK
        initialDelaySeconds: 15
        periodSeconds: 15
        timeoutSeconds: 5
        successThreshold: 1
        failureThreshold: 6

      # agents.containers.agent.readinessProbe -- Override default agent readiness probe settings
      # @default -- Every 15s / 6 KO / 1 OK
        initialDelaySeconds: 15
        periodSeconds: 15
        timeoutSeconds: 5
        successThreshold: 1
        failureThreshold: 6

      # agents.containers.agent.securityContext -- Allows you to overwrite the default container SecurityContext for the agent container.
      securityContext: {}

      # agents.containers.agent.ports -- Allows to specify extra ports (hostPorts for instance) for this container
      ports: []

      # agents.containers.processAgent.env -- Additional environment variables for the process-agent container
      env: []
      # agents.containers.processAgent.logLevel -- Set logging verbosity, valid log levels are: trace, debug, info, warn, error, critical, and off
      ## If not set, fall back to the value of datadog.logLevel.
      logLevel:  # INFO

      # agents.containers.processAgent.resources -- Resource requests and limits for the process-agent container
      resources: {}
      #  requests:
      #    cpu: 100m
      #    memory: 200Mi
      #  limits:
      #    cpu: 100m
      #    memory: 200Mi

      # agents.containers.processAgent.securityContext -- Allows you to overwrite the default container SecurityContext for the process-agent container.
      securityContext: {}

      # agents.containers.processAgent.ports -- Allows to specify extra ports (hostPorts for instance) for this container
      ports: []

      # agents.containers.traceAgent.env -- Additional environment variables for the trace-agent container
      env: []
      # agents.containers.traceAgent.logLevel -- Set logging verbosity, valid log levels are: trace, debug, info, warn, error, critical, and off
      logLevel:  # INFO

      # agents.containers.traceAgent.resources -- Resource requests and limits for the trace-agent container
      resources: {}
      #  requests:
      #    cpu: 100m
      #    memory: 200Mi
      #  limits:
      #    cpu: 100m
      #    memory: 200Mi

      # agents.containers.traceAgent.livenessProbe -- Override default agent liveness probe settings
      # @default -- Every 15s
        initialDelaySeconds: 15
        periodSeconds: 15
        timeoutSeconds: 5

      # agents.containers.traceAgent.securityContext -- Allows you to overwrite the default container SecurityContext for the trace-agent container.
      securityContext: {}

      # agents.containers.traceAgent.ports -- Allows to specify extra ports (hostPorts for instance) for this container
      ports: []

      # agents.containers.systemProbe.env -- Additional environment variables for the system-probe container
      env: []
      # agents.containers.systemProbe.logLevel -- Set logging verbosity, valid log levels are: trace, debug, info, warn, error, critical, and off.
      ## If not set, fall back to the value of datadog.logLevel.
      logLevel:  # INFO

      # agents.containers.systemProbe.resources -- Resource requests and limits for the system-probe container
      resources: {}
      #  requests:
      #    cpu: 100m
      #    memory: 200Mi
      #  limits:
      #    cpu: 100m
      #    memory: 200Mi

      # agents.containers.systemProbe.securityContext -- Allows you to overwrite the default container SecurityContext for the system-probe container.
        privileged: false

      # agents.containers.systemProbe.ports -- Allows to specify extra ports (hostPorts for instance) for this container
      ports: []

      # agents.containers.securityAgent.env -- Additional environment variables for the security-agent container
      env: []

      # agents.containers.securityAgent.logLevel -- Set logging verbosity, valid log levels are: trace, debug, info, warn, error, critical, and off
      ## If not set, fall back to the value of datadog.logLevel.
      logLevel:  # INFO

      # agents.containers.securityAgent.resources -- Resource requests and limits for the security-agent container
      resources: {}
      #  requests:
      #    cpu: 100m
      #    memory: 200Mi
      #  limits:
      #    cpu: 100m
      #    memory: 200Mi

      # agents.containers.securityAgent.ports -- Allows to specify extra ports (hostPorts for instance) for this container
      ports: []

      # agents.containers.initContainers.resources -- Resource requests and limits for the init containers
      resources: {}
      #  requests:
      #    cpu: 100m
      #    memory: 200Mi
      #  limits:
      #    cpu: 100m
      #    memory: 200Mi

  # agents.volumes -- Specify additional volumes to mount in the dd-agent container
    # - hostPath:
    #     path: <HOST_PATH>
    #   name: <VOLUME_NAME>
    - name: kube-apiserver-metrics
      emptyDir: {}
  # agents.volumeMounts -- Specify additional volumes to mount in all containers of the agent pod
    # - name: <VOLUME_NAME>
    #   mountPath: <CONTAINER_PATH>
    #   readOnly: true
    - name: kube-apiserver-metrics
      mountPath: /etc/datadog-agent/conf.d/kube_apiserver_metrics.d

  # agents.useHostNetwork -- Bind ports on the hostNetwork
  ## Useful for CNI networking where hostPort might
  ## not be supported. The ports need to be available on all hosts. It Can be
  ## used for custom metrics instead of a service endpoint.
  ## WARNING: Make sure that hosts using this are properly firewalled otherwise
  ## metrics and traces are accepted from any host able to connect to this host.
  useHostNetwork: false

  # agents.dnsConfig -- specify dns configuration options for datadog cluster agent containers e.g ndots
  ## ref:
  dnsConfig: {}
  #  options:
  #  - name: ndots
  #    value: "1"

  # agents.podAnnotations -- Annotations to add to the DaemonSet's Pods
  podAnnotations: {}
  #   <POD_ANNOTATION>: '[{"key": "<KEY>", "value": "<VALUE>"}]'

  # agents.tolerations -- Allow the DaemonSet to schedule on tainted nodes (requires Kubernetes >= 1.6)
    - effect: NoSchedule
      operator: Exists
  # agents.nodeSelector -- Allow the DaemonSet to schedule on selected nodes
  ## Ref:
  nodeSelector: {}

  # agents.affinity -- Allow the DaemonSet to schedule using affinity rules
  ## Ref:
  affinity: {}

  # agents.updateStrategy -- Allow the DaemonSet to perform a rolling update on helm update
  ## ref:
    type: RollingUpdate
      maxUnavailable: "10%"

  # agents.priorityClassName -- Sets PriorityClassName if defineds

  # agents.podLabels -- Sets podLabels if defined
  # Note: These labels are also used as label selectors so they are immutable.
  podLabels: {}

  # agents.additionalLabels -- Adds labels to the Agent daemonset and pods
  additionalLabels: {}
    # key: "value"

  # agents.useConfigMap -- Configures a configmap to provide the agent configuration. Use this in combination with the `agents.customAgentConfig` parameter.
  useConfigMap:  # false

  # agents.customAgentConfig -- Specify custom contents for the datadog agent config (datadog.yaml)
  ## ref:
  ## ref:
  ## Note the `agents.useConfigMap` needs to be set to `true` for this parameter to be taken into account.
    # Autodiscovery for Kubernetes
      - name: kubelet
      - name: kubelet
        polling: true
      # needed to support legacy docker label config templates
      - name: docker
        polling: true
    # Enable APM by setting the DD_APM_ENABLED envvar to true, or override this configuration
      enabled: false
      apm_non_local_traffic: true
  #   # Enable java cgroup handling. Only one of those options should be enabled,
  #   # depending on the agent version you are using along that chart.
  #   # agent version < 6.15
  #   # jmx_use_cgroup_memory_limit: true
  #   # agent version >= 6.15
  #   # jmx_use_container_support: true

    # agents.networkPolicy.create -- If true, create a NetworkPolicy for the agents.
    # DEPRECATED. Use datadog.networkPolicy.create instead
    create: false

  # clusterChecksRunner.enabled -- If true, deploys agent dedicated for running the Cluster Checks instead of running in the Daemonset's agents.
  ## ref:
  enabled: false

  ## Define the Datadog image to work with.
    # -- Datadog Agent image name to use (relative to `registry`)
    name: agent

    # clusterChecksRunner.image.tag -- Define the Agent version to use
    ## Use 7-jmx to enable jmx fetch collection
    tag: 7.25.0

    # clusterChecksRunner.image.repository -- Override default registry + for Cluster Check Runners

    # clusterChecksRunner.image.pullPolicy -- Datadog Agent image pull policy
    pullPolicy: IfNotPresent

    # clusterChecksRunner.image.pullSecrets -- Datadog Agent repository pullSecret (ex: specify docker registry credentials)
    ## See
    pullSecrets: []
    #   - name: "<REG_SECRET>"

  # clusterChecksRunner.createPodDisruptionBudget -- Create the pod disruption budget to apply to the cluster checks agents
  createPodDisruptionBudget: true

  # Provide Cluster Checks Deployment pods RBAC configuration
    # clusterChecksRunner.rbac.create -- If true, create & use RBAC resources
    create: true

    # clusterChecksRunner.rbac.dedicated -- If true, use a dedicated RBAC resource for the cluster checks agent(s)
    dedicated: false

    # clusterChecksRunner.rbac.serviceAccountAnnotations -- Annotations to add to the ServiceAccount if clusterChecksRunner.rbac.dedicated is true
    serviceAccountAnnotations: {}

    # clusterChecksRunner.rbac.serviceAccountName -- Specify service account name to use (usually pre-existing, created if create is true)
    serviceAccountName: datadog

  # clusterChecksRunner.replicas -- Number of Cluster Checks Runner instances
  ## If you want to deploy the clusterChecks agent in HA, keep at least clusterChecksRunner.replicas set to 2.
  ## And increase the clusterChecksRunner.replicas according to the number of Cluster Checks.
  replicas: 2

  # clusterChecksRunner.resources -- Datadog clusterchecks-agent resource requests and limits.
  resources: {}
  # requests:
  #   cpu: 200m
  #   memory: 500Mi
  # limits:
  #   cpu: 200m
  #   memory: 500Mi

  # clusterChecksRunner.affinity -- Allow the ClusterChecks Deployment to schedule using affinity rules.
  ## By default, ClusterChecks Deployment Pods are forced to run on different Nodes.
  ## Ref:
  affinity: {}

  # clusterChecksRunner.strategy -- Allow the ClusterChecks deployment to perform a rolling update on helm update
  ## ref:
    type: RollingUpdate
      maxSurge: 1
      maxUnavailable: 0

  # clusterChecksRunner.dnsConfig -- specify dns configuration options for datadog cluster agent containers e.g ndots
  ## ref:
  dnsConfig: {}
  #  options:
  #  - name: ndots
  #    value: "1"

  # clusterChecksRunner.nodeSelector -- Allow the ClusterChecks Deployment to schedule on selected nodes
  ## Ref:
  nodeSelector: {}

  # clusterChecksRunner.tolerations -- Tolerations for pod assignment
  ## Ref:
  tolerations: []

  # clusterChecksRunner.healthPort -- Port number to use in the Cluster Checks Runner for the healthz endpoint
  healthPort: 5555

  # clusterChecksRunner.livenessProbe -- Override default agent liveness probe settings
  # @default -- Every 15s / 6 KO / 1 OK
  ## In case of issues with the probe, you can disable it with the
  ## following values, to allow easier investigating:
  # livenessProbe:
  #   exec:
  #     command: ["/bin/true"]
    initialDelaySeconds: 15
    periodSeconds: 15
    timeoutSeconds: 5
    successThreshold: 1
    failureThreshold: 6

  # clusterChecksRunner.readinessProbe -- Override default agent readiness probe settings
  # @default -- Every 15s / 6 KO / 1 OK
  ## In case of issues with the probe, you can disable it with the
  ## following values, to allow easier investigating:
  # readinessProbe:
  #   exec:
  #     command: ["/bin/true"]
    initialDelaySeconds: 15
    periodSeconds: 15
    timeoutSeconds: 5
    successThreshold: 1
    failureThreshold: 6

  # clusterChecksRunner.podAnnotations -- Annotations to add to the cluster-checks-runner's pod(s)
  podAnnotations: {}
  #   key: "value"

  # clusterChecksRunner.env -- Environment variables specific to Cluster Checks Runner
  ## ref:
  env: []
  #   - name: <ENV_VAR_NAME>
  #     value: <ENV_VAR_VALUE>

  # clusterChecksRunner.volumes -- Specify additional volumes to mount in the cluster checks container
  volumes: []
  #   - hostPath:
  #       path: <HOST_PATH>
  #     name: <VOLUME_NAME>

  # clusterChecksRunner.volumeMounts -- Specify additional volumes to mount in the cluster checks container
  volumeMounts: []
  #   - name: <VOLUME_NAME>
  #     mountPath: <CONTAINER_PATH>
  #     readOnly: true

    # clusterChecksRunner.networkPolicy.create -- If true, create a NetworkPolicy for the cluster checks runners.
    # DEPRECATED. Use datadog.networkPolicy.create instead
    create: false

  # clusterChecksRunner.additionalLabels -- Adds labels to the cluster checks runner deployment and pods
  additionalLabels: {}
    # key: "value"

  # clusterChecksRunner.securityContext -- Allows you to overwrite the default PodSecurityContext on the clusterchecks pods.
  securityContext: {}

  # clusterChecksRunner.ports -- Allows to specify extra ports (hostPorts for instance) for this container
  ports: []

    # datadog-crds.crds.datadogMetrics -- Set to true to deploy the DatadogMetrics CRD
    datadogMetrics: true

    # kube-state-metrics.rbac.create -- If true, create & use RBAC resources
    create: true

    # kube-state-metrics.serviceAccount.create -- If true, create ServiceAccount, require rbac kube-state-metrics.rbac.create true
    create: true

    # -- The name of the ServiceAccount to use.
    ## If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template

  # kube-state-metrics.resources -- Resource requests and limits for the kube-state-metrics container.
  resources: {}
  #   requests:
  #     cpu: 200m
  #     memory: 256Mi
  #   limits:
  #     cpu: 200m
  #     memory: 256Mi

  # kube-state-metrics.nodeSelector -- Node selector for KSM. KSM only supports Linux.
  nodeSelector: linux
vboulineau commented 2 years ago

Hey @gerrit8143,

Apparently it's linked to some interaction with SELinux. Are you using Lokomotive or plain Kubernetes (kubeadm) on your nodes?

You may want to try to remove the seLinuxOptions there:

    # agents.podSecurity.seLinuxContext -- Provide seLinuxContext configuration for PSP/SCC
    # @default -- Must run as spc_t
      rule: MustRunAs
        user: system_u
        role: system_r
        type: spc_t
        level: s0

And see how it goes.

gerrit8143 commented 2 years ago

it looks like this was a Flatcar Linux issue, Datadog works again with Flatcar 3033.2.0, i'm closing this issue. Thanks!