recordDistributionValues is similar to recordDistributionValue but it lets the client sends multiple samples in one message using dogstatsd 1.1 protocol.
Because this is a shift compared to how other methods are behaving, these methods are provided only in DirectStatsDClient which provides direct access to some low level dogstatsd protocol features.
This is recommended in high performance cases were the overhead of the statsd library might be significant and the sampling is already done by the client.
recordDistributionValues is similar to recordDistributionValue but it lets the client sends multiple samples in one message using dogstatsd 1.1 protocol.
Because this is a shift compared to how other methods are behaving, these methods are provided only in DirectStatsDClient which provides direct access to some low level dogstatsd protocol features.
This is recommended in high performance cases were the overhead of the statsd library might be significant and the sampling is already done by the client.
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