The current CreateTopic rpc can optionally take tags. When provided, the tagging operation runs immediately after the request to create the topic in Kafka, which can show lag at time, especially with large partition counts.
This change adds a backoff retry mechanism to improve the creation of tagged topics.
% curl -XPOST $(docker port kafka-kit_registry_1 8080)/v1/topics/create -d '{"topic": {"name": "test8", "partitions": 500, "replication": 2, "tags": {"key":"value"}}}'
{"code":5, "message":"topic does not exist", "details":[]}
The current
rpc can optionally take tags. When provided, the tagging operation runs immediately after the request to create the topic in Kafka, which can show lag at time, especially with large partition counts.This change adds a backoff retry mechanism to improve the creation of tagged topics.