DataDog / terraform-provider-datadog

Terraform Datadog provider
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Add better support for logs management #225

Open avishnyakov opened 5 years ago

avishnyakov commented 5 years ago

Currently, this provider does not support any of log management features.

It makes it hard to manage and move configurations across different DataDog organizations. Here are several suggestion for new features:

gregsymons commented 5 years ago

DataDog would have to publish APIs for log management first.

julianvmodesto commented 4 years ago

There are Datadog Log Index and Pipeline APIs

NBParis commented 4 years ago


Thanks @julianvmodesto , we indeed to have an API for pipelines and indexes (which include exclusion filters) and we are working on adding terraform support for it.

Regarding your request, it is planned to have an API and terraform support for:

Those are being worked on and we will update this thread once released.

Regarding columns, those are per users therefore I'm not sure to understand how you would use an API for them. Would you mind extending on your use case regarding setting columns via API?

bkabrda commented 4 years ago

Hi folks, version 2.5.0 of the provider has been released and contains support for logs indexes and logs pipelines [1]. While I understand that the current feature set does not fully satisfy everything that this issue asks for, I still wanted to give a heads-up here so that you could benefit from these new resources.


thomas-riccardi commented 4 years ago


Are there any plans to add "Generate Metrics" from logs support too? (and Distribution Metrics from them?)


NBParis commented 4 years ago

Hello @thomas-riccardi ,

The overall plan is to support all features through API and terraform which includes the Generate Metrics from Logs.

We will make sure to update this issue as we make progress on the different items covered here.

chriskolenko commented 4 years ago

Any ETA for managing Facets?

lukeforehand commented 4 years ago

Our company also needs to generate metrics and create facets from terraform. They are the next logical features after finishing datadog_dashboard, since the dashboards require special metrics and facets. On the positive side, we were able to wire our cluster resource names into the dashboard log queries because they are terraformed, BIG WIN!

egorchabala commented 3 years ago

Be able to terrafom facets is must for multi-org setups. I'm interesting to see this feature as well

drpebcak commented 3 years ago

Being able to create facets via terraform would be really great. Is there an ETA on this?

sanderginn commented 3 years ago

Still no news? Facet management in Terraform is important for us.

pavlospt commented 2 years ago

Bumping up this issue, since there is no reply yet! Will Logs -> Saved Views be available through the TF provider? If there is API support I could help with a contribution!

knowshan commented 2 years ago

It has been almost 33 months since this was requested originally. Is there any update on this?

We need Datadog facet management supported through API and Terraform to standardize Datadog account management. As mentioned by lukeforehand in comment, this is necessary even for setting up common Dashboards especially in multiple Datadog accounts.

Note that, there is already internal API for this:{scope_id}/facets?type=logs . Please consider expediting this feature request as it is necessary to support multiple Datadog accounts with set of standard facets and dashboards.

andyshinn commented 2 years ago

Didn't see it already in this thread. But I'd like the ability to create exclusion filters as a separate resource for the index. My use case is allowing different applications and projects to define their own exclusion filters referencing the index by name or ID (so that we can do it on the default main index as well).

ShajiCsTR commented 1 year ago

Is there any update on the facet feature being available

anietieasuquo commented 11 months ago

Any update on the facet and measure feature?

NBParis commented 11 months ago

Hello there,

Just in case this was missed but Facets are no longer required to make searches or analytics. So even if no facets are defined on a given dimension, it can be used in any search or group by in the explorer, dashboards or monitors (anywhere in Datadog).

pacoguzman commented 5 months ago

Any news about supporting facets on the provider?