DataDog / yubikey

YubiKey at Datadog
MIT License
495 stars 36 forks source link error #76

Closed hithwen closed 3 years ago

hithwen commented 3 years ago
❯ ./
OS detected is macos
Is it correct ? (y|N)y line 34: ${OS,,}: bad substitution

Running in BigSur

sh --version
GNU bash, version 3.2.57(1)-release (x86_64-apple-darwin20)
Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
hithwen commented 3 years ago

I think solution is to replace line 34 of for case "$OS" in

daisukixci commented 3 years ago

Hi @hithwen,

Thanks for taking the time to report.

It's a known "issue" and the solution is here The issue is that you use an outdated bash version (the default macos one).

Also, since you are not the only person who have that issue, we did which is under review which will remove the necessity to use a bash version equal or above 4 even though we recommend you to update your bash version and to not use the macos version.

Thank you.

Unless you need anything else, i'm going to close this issue tomorrow.
