Open hcwinsemius opened 6 months ago
This may have function signature such as:
def intensity(kt, kx, ky, v_x, v_y, d=None):
"""Simulate intensity in wave spectrum using v_x, v_y and depth as parameters."""
if d:
# Simulate intensity without a depth parameter
# Simulate with depth parameter
return intensities
The function can then be used in optimization routines for the parameters depth and velocity.
test code is provided below
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from iwave import intensity
from iwave import dispersion_relation_funct
"""test the calculation of the theoretical spectrum intensity."""
# image size (pxl)
img_size = [300, 300]
# pixel size (m)
pxl_size = 0.02
# frame rate (fps)
frame_rate = 20
# number of frames (#)
frames_num = 200
# parameters
gravity_waves_switch = 1 # if 0, then gravity waves are swtiched off
turbulence_switch = 1 # if 0, then turbulence-forced waves are switched off
gauss_width = 1 # width of the Gaussian smoothing kernel
vel_indx = 0.85 # surface to depth-averaged velocity index
m = 2*(1-vel_indx) # velocity shear based on vel_indx
# free parameters for optimisation
v_x = 0.89
v_y = 0
d = 0.3
# wavenumber and frequency arrays
ks = 2*np.pi/pxl_size
Deltakx = ks/img_size[1]
Deltaky = ks/img_size[0]
kx = np.arange(0, ks, Deltakx)
ky = np.arange(0, ks, Deltaky)
kx = np.fft.fftshift(kx)
ky = np.fft.fftshift(ky)
I = np.where(kx==0)
kx[:I[0][0]] = kx[:I[0][0]] - kx[I[0][0]-1] - Deltakx
I = np.where(ky==0)
ky[:I[0][0]] = ky[:I[0][0]] - ky[I[0][0]-1] - Deltaky
Deltaf = frame_rate/frames_num
f = np.arange(0, frame_rate, Deltaf)
f = f[:int(np.ceil(len(f)/2))]
kt = 2*np.pi*f
intensities = intensity(kt, kx, ky, v_x, v_y, d, vel_indx, gauss_width, gravity_waves_switch, turbulence_switch)
# comparison with theoretical dispersion relation
Kt_gw, Kt_turb = dispersion_relation_funct(kx, ky, d, m, v_x, v_y)
fg, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 4))
cax1 = ax[0].pcolor(kx, kt, np.squeeze(intensities[np.where(ky==0)[0][0], :, :]).T)
ax[0].plot(kx, Kt_gw[np.where(ky==0)[0][0], :], 'k', linewidth=1)
ax[0].plot(kx, Kt_turb[np.where(ky==0)[0][0], :], 'k', linewidth=1)
ax[0].set_ylim([0, frame_rate])
ax[0].set_xlim([-100, 100])
fg.colorbar(cax1, ax=ax[0])
cax2 = ax[1].pcolor(ky, kt, np.squeeze(intensities[:, np.where(kx==0)[0][0], :]).T)
ax[1].plot(ky, Kt_gw[:, np.where(ky==0)[0][0]], 'k', linewidth=1)
ax[1].plot(ky, Kt_turb[:, np.where(ky==0)[0][0]], 'k', linewidth=1)
ax[1].set_ylim([0, frame_rate])
ax[1].set_xlim([-100, 100])
fg.colorbar(cax2, ax=ax[1])
Create a function that simulates the spectrum based on depth and velocity as inputs and resolves over given grid of frequency numbers (t y x)