HDFS is setup in a highly available fashion. There is at least one namenode and atleaset 3 datanodes. The replication is set to three. The sample data would be - NYC taxi data. The HA cluster will be tested by
Crashing the namenode and seeing if one of the other nodes converts itself to a namenode
Crashing one of the datanode to see if all the data is replicated thrice.
There should be a script to add datanodes. Use the script the datanode will get added and we would play around with increasing the replication factor of 4-5-6 and testing that using UI.
Testing to be done by checking if we have all the data when the replication factor is reduces to 1.
Benchmarking the server for ingestion when the replication factor is 1 through 6 and sharing that in a table.
folder after 5 mins and testing space reclamation after that time.NOTE: Data integrity will be tested using SQL queries every time a change is made.