DataJuggler / DataTier.Net

DataTier.Net is an Entity Framework alternative that makes it simple to create stored procedure powered data tiers.
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Blazor Integration - Create Item Templates For Data Watchers #10

Closed DataJuggler closed 4 years ago

DataJuggler commented 4 years ago

I created a class called a Data Watcher. When used with binding in Blazor, I have any changes in my object library set via binding bubbling up to a Data Watcher that is called via a delegate.

I need to create an Item template for DataJuggler.DataTier.Net.Core.DataWatcher and publish it to Nuget.

I am going to create a related issue next where the Data Editor Control gets a button for Blazor Services. On this screen I plan to popup a form with options for Create Data Watcher and Create Data Service class.

I may have to add an option to the DTNTable table for whether the Enable Data Binding or not. I am on the fence about at the project level or table level. Project level is easier but if only a few tables need binding it could be a lot of unneeded code. Will sleep on this.

After the item is created, some code will have to be written to replace the table name from the generic [tablename] in the template.

DataJuggler commented 4 years ago

I created one Item template to handle DataWatchers and Services.