DataJunction / dj

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Define what Status means by node type. #911

Open agorajek opened 5 months ago

agorajek commented 5 months ago

We need this to get on the same page. Let's consider the following two aspects:

agorajek commented 5 months ago

Internal aspects of nodes health (and which node types applies to):

x - applicable o - not applicable

Health / Node Source Transform, Metric, Dimension Cube
table missing x o o
query broken
(e.g. missing parent node or column)
o x x
dim link / col attr broken
(e.g. bad dimension ref or broken join ref)
x x o
data stale / not available x x for T w/mat only x

NOTE: In DRAFT mode we should not validate or block any activity. In PUBLISHED mode we should.

User facing STATUS related to (above) node health:

Status / Node Source Transform, Metric, Dimension Cube
"Node (Basic) Definition" is BAD when table missing query broken o
"Node (Extended) Definition" is BAD when (*) dim / attr broken dim / attr broken o
"Node Data" is BAD when data stale / not available for T w/mat only data stale / not available

(*) This section is probably too specific for node level. But it could be expanded into node-column Status feature.

agorajek commented 3 months ago

Per @shangyian :

Yeah I agree that should be split into two statuses. Also I think in the UI we should have some hover info boxes that explain what each thing is meant to represent or do so that things are more self-documenting.

artwr commented 3 months ago

Agreed ;p