DataKind-DC / ifes-elections

Characterizing the timing of elections worldwide.
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Evaluate the Election Passport Data #33

Closed nbanion closed 3 years ago

nbanion commented 3 years ago

Evaluate how this dataset might help us answer our motivating questions.

Read the documentation, briefly explore the data, and make a case for or against using this data source. If the data seem promising, then describe some possible uses. If not, then explain the shortcomings. If you are unsure, then write down your questions. No matter what, your investigation is valuable!

Record your findings in the discussion on this issue.

This data set comes from a collection identified on #27.

nbanion commented 3 years ago

Not a primary data source.

Some data are focused on election results. The Electoral Systems page provides high level classifications of electoral systems-- probably not useful in our case.

Interestingly the site does include rich information about electoral processes in specific countries (e.g., Albania), including links to detailed reports. This information could be good for reference, but it doesn't appear to be available in a structured format. And for the time being, scraping together a dataset from these rich unstructured sources is out of scope.

nbanion commented 3 years ago

Also, it seems the election results data from this effort are becoming part of CLEA (See #32 ).