DataMascara / cisc3140-su19-project
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Profile issues: Clicking on subscriptions from dashboard does not take you to the port #45

Closed AlekseyTitov99 closed 5 years ago

AlekseyTitov99 commented 5 years ago

Dashboard has the same page as user profile

mary060196 commented 5 years ago

The Dashboard page is already being attended by the Back End team. The subscriptions and 'my posts' pages are already on, and the others are on the way. Thank you very much!

Maker-Mark commented 5 years ago
  • Dashboard has the same page as user profile

Now it's updated.

  • Subscriptions don't work at all

They now show up on the dashboard, we are working on linking them

Maker-Mark commented 5 years ago

Fixed, clicking on your subscribed ports works now too