DataMascara / cisc3140-su19-project
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Changing User Profile img does not stick until you logout and log back in. #59

Closed Maker-Mark closed 5 years ago

Maker-Mark commented 5 years ago
andrewalexgit commented 5 years ago

This is actually an issue with all account update features --- I will add a session refresh method to the template render application which can be easily called from any update method

andrewalexgit commented 5 years ago

Seems like we already have a refresh for the session added

session["user"]["avatarUrl"] = form["avatarURL"]

Could this be an issue with browser cache?

Maker-Mark commented 5 years ago

Seems like we already have a refresh for the session added

session["user"]["avatarUrl"] = form["avatarURL"]

Could this be an issue with browser cache?

Yes, it is. We need to pop the current user img from the cookie and re-assign the new one. This means we need to call the db to get the updated user, and just fish out the new URL

mary060196 commented 5 years ago

Issue resolved and, thus, closed! Great job! :)