"description": {
"@type": "HTML",
"@value":"<p>"Winter ecology of larval kril..."
So the SPARQL query that extracts "description" -> "abstract" needs to strip off the type for this field, for example:
SELECT ( str(?description) as ?abstract )
instead of
SELECT ( ?description as ?abstract )
This is being done for some values/queries already, but should probably be done for all values.
For certain documents, the parsing for schema.org documents is not stripping the datatype off of the 'abstract' field. See the "Abstract" at https://search-sandbox.test.dataone.org/view/urn%3Auuid%3A4ad54da7-d5c0-4497-91c7-4c004f8a5be2, which has the string "^^https://schema.org/HTML" appended to the end
The source json-ld document has: