I have a CSV with ~20 columns, 3 of which are unique identifiers. DataSynthesizer seems to be tripping up on these 3 columns with the error below. What's the expected behaviour when trying to include UUIDs (or similar) in the synthesise? The field is not labelled as categorical and is of datatype String.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "synthesise/synthesise.py", line 106, in <module>
File "synthesise/synthesise.py", line 86, in main
File "/Users/raids/.pyenv/versions/data-synthesizer/lib/python3.8/site-packages/DataSynthesizer/DataGenerator.py", line 72, in generate_dataset_in_correlated_attribute_mode
self.synthetic_dataset[attr] = column.generate_values_as_candidate_key(n)
File "/Users/raids/.pyenv/versions/data-synthesizer/lib/python3.8/site-packages/DataSynthesizer/datatypes/StringAttribute.py", line 52, in generate_values_as_candidate_key
length = np.random.randint(self.min, self.max)
File "mtrand.pyx", line 745, in numpy.random.mtrand.RandomState.randint
File "_bounded_integers.pyx", line 1254, in numpy.random._bounded_integers._rand_int64
ValueError: low >= high
Let me know if you need further info or want me to try anything out.
I have a CSV with ~20 columns, 3 of which are unique identifiers. DataSynthesizer seems to be tripping up on these 3 columns with the error below. What's the expected behaviour when trying to include UUIDs (or similar) in the synthesise? The field is not labelled as categorical and is of datatype
.What I Did
Let me know if you need further info or want me to try anything out.