DataScienceHobart / 2017-01-31-resbaztas-r

ResBaz Hobart R workshop
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archive from the ether pad #5

Open mdsumner opened 7 years ago

mdsumner commented 7 years ago

Welcome to the R Software Carpentry workshop at ResBaz


Please leave us some comments here!

tasty food, thanks for the vegetarian options, fruit was a great idea too (sugar with less crash)-Pam for my level of understanding it was a great combo of a confidence booster and leg-up to the next level of programing (vs desperatly trying to 'statistic and get out') in R-Pam Idea: this is a great venue for advertizing / learning about existing 'working groups' within the community (DaSH GentleR, HRUG), and possibly a good way to diversify membership-Pam Dude, I've upgraded to using pipes, have created my first project & pull requests on GitHub and am decomposing some large loops into discrete function-worth sections, thanks so much for the push!

Thank you for helding a such amazing event :) Thank you for sharing Panoply, I wish I knew about it earlier.... It would be great if you could held some other events related to git, LaTeX, and markdown (write a document and presentation slide using markdown)

Thanks for the last couple of days. Even though the first day (and half of the second) was mostly repetiiton for me - it was a good catch up on things. And I learned much in the last day and a half. I'm with 'light-green' above, an info session on git/github would be great! And for everyone here writing a thesis and wondering if the effort of learning LaTeX is worth it: YES IT IS! I'm in my final year (well...7 months, really) and I wish I had started on this sooner. It would have saved so much time....!! :-)

Random notes from the workshop

u <- ""

gapminder_wide <- read.csv(u)


RSTudio on your laptop is fine.

Go to your RStudio Landing Page

You may need to get to that first from here:

Setup instructions

(Note: The ResBaz Cloud works best with the Chrome web browser)

  1. Create an account at (if you don't already have one) and login

  2. Click this link:

    • may need to "Authorize application" (big green button)
  3. Now click this link

  1. Click the "+" under "comic scrubbird" to launch the instance

(Once you've done the setup process once, you can simply login to ResBaz Cloud by going to )

Plan B (i.e. preprepared launch from the ResBaz Cloud still fails) If all else fails, install the software on your own computer following the instructions from our previous workshop:

PLan B involves workin with a Local Bash and/or a local RStudio. The link above shows instructions made for a previous course, and should help you implement your Plan B

Notes for Plan B

RStudio packages If you run a RStudio that wasn't preprepared, you may have to install some R packages, using the install install.packages() command.

install.packages(c("tidyverse", "plyr", "gapminder", "dplyr"))

If you have opted to install MobaXTerm, then you will want to understand the way it maps your windows file locations to the bash-style/unix-style file locations.

To get a feel for it, try:

ls /drives/

you should see your C: drive represented by /drives/c/

also try

ls ~

You should see your MyDocuments folder

Using the Cloud

Having gone through setup above you can start RStudio by clicking on the RStudio icon.

The data files we will use are already available, see in the Files tab

The packages we will use are already available. No need to run "install.packages" (though you can do that).

===== Usephul schtuff (well, mostly-ish)

Assignment operator shortcut key in R Studio: "alt" "-" (i.e. alt and the minus key!) (<-- how do you write that down!! :-)) (and is that the same on Mac, or Linux anyone?) Write it as "Alt -"?

FREE!! Here's the link to the book Mike showed: R For Data Science online

Hidden variables (e.g .mass <- 74) are not that helpful! Boo for hidden variables.

If you think (like Mike) that the help files are a bit back-to-front. You can just run the text through this translator "It sound right again, the force makes! "

Q: What is this Gapminder thing? A: Gapminder is a foundation run by TED Superstar and swedish professor of global health Hans Rosling. Their mission is to fight misinformation with a global development/global health theme. Look here:, and you watch some of Roslings TED talks. They are both very informative and very funny!