DataSystemsLab / recdb-postgresql

RecDB is a recommendation engine built entirely inside PostgreSQL
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ERROR: type mismatch in getTupleFloat() when using UserPearCF #21

Open imhoze opened 3 years ago

imhoze commented 3 years ago

Hi, everyone! Thanks for such an interesting implementation as recdb.

I tried to play with different options and successfully applied item-item recommenders. But, got this problem using UserPearCF and UserCosCF recommenders

I created a rating table

create table ratings
    record_id bigserial not null
        constraint ratings_users_pk
            primary key,
    user_id integer not null,
    story_id integer not null,
    rating integer not null

create unique index ratings_record_id_uindex
    on ratings (record_id);

create index ratings_story_id_index
    on ratings (story_id);

create index ratings_user_id_index
    on ratings (user_id);

Then, I created a recommender for this

USERS FROM user_id
ITEMS FROM story_id
USING userpearcf;

Trying to execute a query similar to the example

SELECT R.story_id, R.rating
          FROM ratings R RECOMMEND R.story_id TO R.user_id ON R.rating USING UserPearCF
            WHERE R.user_id = 1000
            ORDER BY R.rating DESC

Got this error:

ERROR:  type mismatch in getTupleFloat()