DataTables / DataTablesSrc

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Since a9ccfb4 opacity must be set for sorting_asc / sorting_desc #191

Closed u01jmg3 closed 3 years ago

u01jmg3 commented 3 years ago

See a9ccfb4

By not removing the sorting class we end up with the following HTML when clicking on a table header:

<th class="sorting sorting_asc" tabindex="0" aria-controls="DataTables_Table_0" rowspan="1" colspan="1" aria-label="Date/Time: activate to sort column descending">Date/Time</th>

As you can see we now have .sorting.sorting_asc as our class rather than the previous .sorting_asc. This in turn causes the opacity of the arrow to be wrongly set as 0.2 (rather than the required 0.5) because of the styling that is inherited from the .sorting class:

Perhaps to rectify this we should have:

.sorting_asc:after {
    opacity: 0.5; /* NEW */
    content: "\e155"; /* sort-by-attributes */

.sorting_desc:after {
    opacity: 0.5; /* NEW */
    content: "\e156"; /* sort-by-attributes-alt */
DataTables commented 3 years ago

Many thanks for the PR! Are you happy for this to be included under the MIT license?

u01jmg3 commented 3 years ago

Yes - no problem at all

DataTables commented 3 years ago

Awesome - thank you :-)