DataTables / Vue

Vue plugin for DataTables
MIT License
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Typescript error #3

Open roke22 opened 1 year ago

roke22 commented 1 year ago


Using the example works fine while i am running "npm run dev" but when i run "npm run build" i get this error:

src/components/dashboard/Users.vue:6:26 - error TS2306: File '/var/www/html/public-dev/node_modules/' is not a module.

6 import DataTableBs5 from '';
Found 1 error in src/components/dashboard/Users.vue:6

I am using vitejs, vuejs 3 and typescript. The "types/dataTables.bootstrap5.d.ts" file is empty

AllanJard commented 1 year ago

Thanks for letting me know. I think we've got a few issues with TS files at the moment for their definitions. I'll be looking into this sometime soon (I can't say exactly when, as I don't know!).