DataTables / Vue

Vue plugin for DataTables
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Action Buttons #6

Open abdullah-abunada opened 1 year ago

abdullah-abunada commented 1 year ago


Any idea about how we can add custom vue component as action in datable? for example why this component did not support slot for row to allow us to add custom actions like dropdown list.


AllanJard commented 1 year ago

You can't currently add a Vue component inside a DataTable - sorry.

monster010 commented 1 year ago

The question is will it come in and if so, when?

AllanJard commented 1 year ago

Due to the way it is currently implemented, no, I'm afraid that this ability will not be coming any time soon.

conwayatmundotca commented 1 year ago

I created the following component for myself..

import {createVNode, render} from "vue";
import DataTablesLib from '';

 * @name renderVueComponent
 * @memberOf DataTablesLib
 * @param {Object} component - vue component
 * @param {Object} meta - meta infomation from column
 * @param {Object|false} [props] - object of props, if false (default) then row data is used
 * @param {boolean} includeTableAndMeta
 * @returns {String}
function renderVueComponent(component, meta, props = false, includeTableAndMeta = false) {
    props = props ? props : this.cell(meta.row, meta.col).row().data();
    if (includeTableAndMeta) {
        props._table = this;
        props._meta = meta;
    let nodes = this.cell(meta.row, meta.col).nodes();
    if (nodes.length > 0) {
        this.on('draw', () => render(createVNode(component, props), nodes[0]));
    return '';

DataTablesLib.Api.register('renderVueComponent', renderVueComponent);

Here are some snipets that i have in the page component where I have datatables....

import TableOptions from "@/Components/RegistrationRequests/TableOptions.vue";


onMounted(() => {
  table = datatable.value.dt;
static columns = [
//...other columns
    mData: 'id',
    mRender: (data, type, row, meta) => table.renderVueComponent(TableOptions, meta, {id: data})

TableOptions is a component with 3 buttons.

The only instance where it doesn't work is where I change the ajax source dynamically. It seems to be related to this.cell not referencing the correct node.

I'm sure there are opportunities to make this a bit better.

conwayatmundotca commented 1 year ago

Writing this post gave me some renewed energy to look at the ajax issue....

const ajax = {
  url: registrations_list_endpoint,
    d.format = 'dataTables',
    d.filterQuery = props.type

coyy commented 4 months ago

@AllanJard version with template columns not working after pagination. @conwayatmundotca Your code only works when the column index = 0, any column after that doesn't work

My options config:

import TableAction from "@/Components/TableAction.vue";

options: {
  columns: [
  //...other columns
      data: '',
      title: 'Action'
  fnDrawCallback: function (dt) {
      let rows = dt.api.rows();
      let headers = dt.api.columns().header();
      for (let i = 0; i < headers.length; i++) {
        if (headers[i].innerText == 'Action') {
          rows[0].forEach((item) => {
            let props = dt.api.row(item).data()
            let node = dt.api.cell(item, i).node()
            if (node) {
              dt.api.on('draw', () => render(createVNode(TableAction, props), node));
AllanJard commented 4 months ago

Are you using the unreleased and undocumented version? If so, can you link to a test case showing the issue so I can look into it.

coyy commented 4 months ago

Are you using the unreleased and undocumented version? If so, can you link to a test case showing the issue so I can look into it.

I don't have the test version online at the moment. But I see you use ColumnDefs. I tested it locally and it doesn't work after switching pages

<DataTable :options="configTableFile">
    <template #column-5="props">

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