When used without any modifications register_model crashes with:
sklearn.utils._param_validation.InvalidParameterError: The 'bootstrap' parameter of RandomForestRegressor must be an instance of 'bool' or an instance of 'numpy.bool_'. Got 'True' instead.
And as was stated in the thread - there are more broken parameters being passed, which denies ability to just fix for this specific bool conversion('ccp_alpha','max_features', etc)
Current change definetely works and fixes the problem - but if there are more elegant ways to fix it - I`m all ears.
Credit goes to Shubhdeep Singh in the slack thread.
Based on the problem - https://datatalks-club.slack.com/archives/C02R98X7DS9/p1685203191371579
When used without any modifications register_model crashes with:
sklearn.utils._param_validation.InvalidParameterError: The 'bootstrap' parameter of RandomForestRegressor must be an instance of 'bool' or an instance of 'numpy.bool_'. Got 'True' instead.
And as was stated in the thread - there are more broken parameters being passed, which denies ability to just fix for this specific bool conversion('ccp_alpha','max_features', etc)
Current change definetely works and fixes the problem - but if there are more elegant ways to fix it - I`m all ears.
Credit goes to Shubhdeep Singh in the slack thread.