Open blueelvis opened 4 years ago
there is a similar thing around Add-DatabricksNotebookJob
. It might be better to create a separate function that does something like this -
$runId = Add-DatabricksNotebookJob @DatabricksNotebookJob
Write-Host "Run ID - "$runId
Write-Host "Running tests. This is the info for the job running the tests..."
Get-DatabricksRun -RunId $runId
$DatabricksJobRunState = $null
$wait = 1
$currentStatus = "INITIATED"
Write-Host "There is a 20 minute timeout for test jobs."
do {
Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
$DatabricksJobRunState = Get-DatabricksRun -RunId $runId
$DatabricksJobRunLifeCycleState = $DatabricksJobRunState.state.life_cycle_state
if ($currentStatus -ne $DatabricksJobRunLifeCycleState) {
Write-Host "Status has altered from $currentStatus to $DatabricksJobRunLifeCycleState."
$currentStatus = $DatabricksJobRunLifeCycleState
if (($wait % 5) -eq 0) {
Write-Host "Job has not completed. Status is $DatabricksJobRunLifeCycleState."
$wait ++
} until (($DatabricksJobRunLifeCycleState -notin "PENDING", "RUNNING", "TERMINATING", "SKIPPED", "INTERNAL_ERROR") -or ($wait -eq 120))
Write-Host "Test Completed. Check here for the status of the job."
$databricksRun = Get-DatabricksRun -RunId $runId
if ($databricksRun.state.result_state -ne "SUCCESS") {
Write-Error "Job failed. Use url to open job and investigate"
@simondmorias I can add this if you agree?
Sounds good. I think there are a number of places this would be useful. If you are happy to take on then that would be great. Thanks
Yeah, the -Wait
would be beneficial in a lot of places. Right now, I am using this a similar logic as @RichieBzzzt mentioned in our scripts which is tedious. For example, cluster creation, library addition etc. It would be helpful in a lot of places :)
I think it would be a good use case to add a
switch for theStart-DatabricksJob
(Or rename it to Execute-DatabricksJob) which keeps on waiting and outputs the status say every 30 seconds about the job.-Pranav