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fix ipeds_admissions yield measure annotations #256

Closed davelandry closed 5 years ago

davelandry commented 5 years ago

The following measures should have "Rate" listed as their units_of_measurement:

jspeis commented 5 years ago

changes are staged and almost ready, just need to re-configure graphite to point to the new backend servers and clear the caches. hopefully should have that ready by the end of today

jspeis commented 5 years ago

@davelandry should be good to go. can you confirm if it the new annotation loads in OK for you on graphite?

davelandry commented 5 years ago

@jspeis I'm able to see the new annotations in the /cubes endpoint, but when I try to do a query (in the vizbuilder) using a filter I get no data back. Here's an example mondrian-rest query generated by the vizbuilder:[]=[University].[Carnegie%20Parent]&drilldown[]=[Year].[Year]&measures[]=Admissions%20Total&filter[]=Yield%20Total%20>%2020&nonempty=true&distinct=false&parents=false&debug=false&sparse=true

jspeis commented 5 years ago

@davelandry for that particular query it looks like you are trying to filter on a yield of "20" but based on the way the Yield Total is structured, that filter should query for > 0.20 (since the values are between 0-1)

davelandry commented 5 years ago

Just confirmed that this is some sort of bug with my localhost. Looks great on the server 👍