DataZombies / jQTouch

jQT extensions jqt.activityIndicator, jqt.bars (with numeric badges), jqt.checkGroup & jqt.segmentedControl.Get updates via Twitter If you find this fork useful please make a donation via PayPal ( See below for demo links.
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github and phonegap problem #3

Closed giuliano closed 13 years ago

giuliano commented 13 years ago

Hi, I am trying to embed an app developed with jqtouch and your jqt.bars extensions. I use this bit of code when ebmedding in phonegap

if (typeof(PhoneGap) != 'undefined') {$('body > *').css({minHeight: '460px !important'});}

To alert jqtouch we are running full screen, otherwise you would loose 30px of screen estae. But it cause this to the phonegapped app:, making it unsable

If I remove the line, the tabbar is shaved in half and i loose the 30px. Have you ever encountered this problem or found some workaround?

DataZombies commented 13 years ago

Sorry, I don't have any experience with PhoneGap. Please contact that platform's developer.

giuliano commented 13 years ago

I solved the issue (similar to the one detailed in a new issue) with this code in my javascript file if (typeof(PhoneGap) != 'undefined') {$('body > #tabbar').css({bottom: '20px !important'});}