DataZombies / jQTouch

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ajax refreshed div not taking the right height #5

Closed l0c0luke closed 13 years ago

l0c0luke commented 13 years ago

1) draw page with scroller, all is well. 2) do something that causes the main s-scrollpane container to renew it's contents. for me it happens to be a jsonp call to a server so commuications can take some time, including the loading of images. 3) call jQT.setPageHeight($("#page_dic")) 4) experience a scrolling page that does not seem to have the full height of the loaded contents.

I have tried calling jQT.init_iScroll(div) as well with worse results, a sort of flashing behaviour. Also experience a sort of "glue" action where you scroll and as it is slowing down, it will jump to a spot. If I REALLY flick the page, I can get past the glue. Additionally, if I then go to another page, then press the back button, the page that did not have the correct height, now has the correct height.

I alos tried replacing the entire contents of the page div, including the s-scrollwrapper and s-scrollpane divs, and then calling jQT.init_iScroll(div) with the same response.

If I pass info to the div that is just text, it seems to work ok, but if images are included, no luck. I am assuming the images are not "drawn" on the page and the init_iScroll or setPageHeight does not have the contents to set the proper height.

Maybe I am just doing this completely wrong?

DataZombies commented 13 years ago

Could you post an example, please?

Thanks, djp

DataZombies commented 13 years ago

l0c0luke confirmed that the issue is with jQT.

barts2108 commented 13 years ago

This thread is few months old already, but I am facing the same problem (I think). Is there a solution to this already ?

l0c0luke commented 13 years ago

I do not remember exactly if this was the solution, but I ended up binding a setHeight call to all imgs onload. The prolem was that if you had images on the page, they were not loaded when the set height was called. So i just kept calling it for every image that loaded.

barts2108 commented 13 years ago

I have it without images... I have a short list with ul li a tags. when I click one of them, the href link gets loaded and the received data is a list of 30 li a tags. The animation to that page is correct. When I scroll down I already see that the last li a tag stays 35% under the tabbar. Note that there are no images at all.

If I copy and paste the long list directly into the html (static list) then the last li a tag is displayed above the tabbar.

barts2108 commented 13 years ago

I opened a new issue for my problem as it might not be related to the images (see