DataZombies / jQTouch

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View bounces back to top when calendar is in view #61

Closed rystraum closed 12 years ago

rystraum commented 12 years ago

I'm using the jQTouch-Calendar plugin and I'm having trouble with the scroller bouncing back up to the top of the calendar when I try to look at the events of a particular date. Here's my DOM structure:

<div id="events" class="hide_tabbar">
    <div class="toolbar"> ... </div>
    <div class="s-scrollwrapper">
        <div class="content-area">
            <ul id="event-list">
                <!-- Dynamic Content -->

And here's the JS code that generates the pane:

function buildEvents() {
    console.log("preparing events view");
    var content = "<ul>";
    for (var x = 0; x < events.length; x++) {
        // 2011-05-30 00:00:00.0
        var eventdate = new Date(events[x].eventdate.replace(
            /^(\d{4})-(\d\d)-(\d\d) (\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d).(\d)$/,
            '$2/$3/$1 $4:$5:$6')

        if (isNaN(eventdate)) continue;

        content += "<li class='arrow'>";
        content += "<time datetime="+ eventdate.format("isoUtcDateTime")+">";
        content += "<a class='event slide plain' href='#event-details' onClick='getEventDetails(\""+events[x].eventrefid+"\")'>";
        content += "<span>"+events[x].eventrefid+"</span>";
        content += "</a></time></li>";

    content += "</ul>";
    $('#event-list').getCalendar(); //This is the important bit

It generates the calendar fine but when I have a couple of events on a day (which causes the page to be bigger than the scroller area, the scroller snaps back up to the top when I try to scroll down. Help?

DataZombies commented 12 years ago

Call jqt.setPageHeight() after the last line of code.

rystraum commented 12 years ago

It doesn't seem to have any effect. I tried including setPageHeight on the click event attached on the calendar but still no luck.

DataZombies commented 12 years ago

If you are loading the data asynchronously you need the setPage Height call in the callback function.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 28, 2011, at 10:30 AM, wrote:

It doesn't seem to have any effect. I tried including setPageHeight on the click event attached on the calendar but still no luck.

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rystraum commented 12 years ago

The data is loaded earlier on as json, stored in the events variable. The snippet above is the only time I generate the list items. I do the same technique for everything else. In fact, when I disable the creation of the calendar (and get my regular list), the scrolling works properly.

Update: In between posting this reply I was going to try out an experiment. In the process, I managed to comment out the content = '<ul>' and it's corresponding tag in the bottom. Lo and behold, it now works. I was searching for it the whole day and it was just two lines. @___@

Thanks very much for the help and effort.

Update 2: I looked more into it and it seems that it wasn't those that fixed it. Two things fixed it. One, the jQT.setPageHeight() on the bound click event on the calendar and a dummy div <div>.</div> added in as a sibling to ul#event-list.

For some reason, the original code's check for does not pass. It's supposed to call the jQT.setPageHeight so I had to insert one unchecked. I'm using the plugin anyway so it shouldn't throw any errors.

The extra div is there to ensure that content-area gets a height. Without it, it's height is 0, which should explain the bouncing back up.

DataZombies commented 12 years ago


Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 28, 2011, at 11:20 AM, wrote:

The data is loaded earlier on as json, stored in the events variable. The snippet above is the only time I generate the list items. I do the same technique for everything else. In fact, when I disable the creation of the calendar (and get my regular list), the scrolling works properly.

Update: In between posting this reply I was going to try out an experiment. In the process, I managed to comment out the content = '