DataZombies / jQTouch

jQT extensions jqt.activityIndicator, jqt.bars (with numeric badges), jqt.checkGroup & jqt.segmentedControl.Get updates via Twitter If you find this fork useful please make a donation via PayPal ( See below for demo links.
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Causes app to freezes after extensive usage #89

Closed jvence closed 11 years ago

jvence commented 12 years ago

Not an easy bug to reproduce but I am using the toolbar functionality and when I click around the app for a while (lists, toolbar buttons, etc), the app goes blank and not responsive (i have a javascript in the background that stops running). When I remove the toolbar (and associated .js files) and repeat the process, it works fine.

barts2108 commented 12 years ago

I just ran into something similar I think. I have weird page navigation, apparently navigating to the wrong page, or stop navigating at all. Actually (I am aware) I am using an older version of jqtouch as all we use is working fine with that version and the few later versions that I have tried do not work for us.

I have a bottom bar which is used to navigate back to the home page. Whenever another page transition/animation is busy from the 'normal' buttons, and I press the home button in the bottom bar, the navigation problems can appear.

I have the navigation problem still under investigation, but it looks like the jqt.bars calls jQT.goTo directly. Inside jqtouch there's some checks to prevent from double animations to happen, but the jqt.bars call to jQT.goTo is not secured and will start a second animation.

So I am looking actually for a way to prevent jqt.bars.js to do a goTo if jqtouch.js has tapReady === false

DataZombies commented 11 years ago

Thanks for the report. I'm in the process of rewriting all my extensions for the current SenchaLabs version.