DataZombies / jQTouch

jQT extensions jqt.activityIndicator, jqt.bars (with numeric badges), jqt.checkGroup & jqt.segmentedControl.Get updates via Twitter If you find this fork useful please make a donation via PayPal ( See below for demo links.
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iScroll in smaller height than full page #98

Open barts2108 opened 11 years ago

barts2108 commented 11 years ago

Actually this is more of a question than an issue, but I don;t know where I can put the question otherwise.

I am using and older version (150 :-) ) of this jQTouch fork already for a long time now with lots of pleasure. I have made small modifications to suit our needs e.g. a toggle function for the jqt.bars.js, and some lazy loading functions.

Normally the iScroll is full page between the toolbar and the tabbar at the bottom. Now I need to make a page which uses full page only and inside there I need an iscroll that is not full page height.

Something like this:

<div id="page-wrapper" >   <div id="page-pane" >     <ul id="pageitems" class="rounded">       -- general page content       <div id="scroll-wrapper" class="s-scrollwrapper">         <div id="scroll-pane" class="s-scrollpane">           <ul id="scrollitems" class="rounded">             -- scrollable content           </ul>         </div>       </div>     </ul>   </div> </div>

page-wrapper must fill the height between the toolbar and bottombar and should be fixed. At the top side (say 20% of the #page-wrapper height) of this wrapper I have some general information. Then the scroll pane shoud be scrollable using the 80% of the page-wrapper that is left over.

Do you have some hints how I can achieve this and where I can find the algorithms that calculate the height for the scroller? I know the version I use is OLD, but it works. Hope you can send me some hints, after that I think I can find out myself where and what to do.