DatacenterDudes / cDOT-CIFS-share-backup-restore

These PowerShell scripts allow storage administrators to back up and restore CIFS share configurations for storage virtual machines in NetApp's clustered Data ONTAP. These require the NetApp PowerShell Toolkit module to be installed. These scripts are not officially supported by NetApp (but the PowerShell modules are) and should be used only with thorough testing.
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Error during execution of restoreshares.acls.ps1 #5

Closed admiralmorgan closed 8 years ago

admiralmorgan commented 9 years ago

Hi there, I get this error:

PS C:> .\restoreSharesAcls.ps1 Specificare un'espressione di valore sul lato destro dell'operatore '-'. In C:\restoreSharesAcls.ps1:114 car:30

Can you please set me on the right course to find a solution?

Best regards, Stefano

admiralmorgan commented 9 years ago

It seems that with the modification noted as: #Corrected issue with double quotes breaking share properties in 8.3.1 - 7/6/2015

Some issue are now present

whyistheinternetbroken commented 9 years ago

What version of cDOT are you using? These were tested in 8.2.x and 8.3.x. If you are using a version prior to 8.2.x, you might get unexpected results. The scripts work fine for me in my environment.

The line it's complaining about is this one:

$mycmd = $mycmd + " -SymlinkProperties ""$mySymlinkProp"""

From my broken Italian, it sounds like it choked on the "-" operator and that it expected something else. Can you double check the script to ensure you are using the latest version? Could be an issue in the formatting.

When you run "help Add-NcCifsShare" from PowerShell, do you get the SymlinkProperties option listed?


PS C:> help Add-NcCifsShare

NAME Add-NcCifsShare

SYNOPSIS Creates a new CIFS share rooted at the specified path.

SYNTAX Add-NcCifsShare [-Name] [-Path] [-ShareProperties <String[]>] [-SymlinkProperties <String[]>] [-FileUmask ] [-DirUmask ] [-Comment ] [-OfflineFilesMode ] [-AttributeCacheTtl

] [-VscanProfile ] [-MaxConnectionsPerShare ] [-ForceGroupForCreate ] [-DisablePathValidation] [-VserverContext ] [-Controller ] [-ZapiRetryCount ] [] DESCRIPTION Creates a new CIFS share rooted at the specified path. RELATED LINKS Set-NcCifsShare Remove-NcCifsShare Get-NcCifsShare REMARKS To see the examples, type: "get-help Add-NcCifsShare -examples". For more information, type: "get-help Add-NcCifsShare -detailed". For technical information, type: "get-help Add-NcCifsShare -full". For online help, type: "get-help Add-NcCifsShare -online" Maybe right click the script in Windows and open up in the PowerShell editor to see if you have any syntax issues from when you copied/pasted it? On Mon, Aug 17, 2015 at 10:05 AM, admiralmorgan wrote: > It seems that with the modification noted as: #Corrected issue with double > quotes breaking share properties in 8.3.1 - 7/6/2015 > > Some issue are now present > > — > Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub > > .
admiralmorgan commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the response!

I'm using Ontap 8.3p2

Here is the error in english and the output you requested:

PS C:\Script> .\restoreSharesAcls.ps1 -server -user admin -password netapp123 -vserver svm_ITMIJENE06 -shareFile C:\share.xml -aclFile C:\acl.xml -spit more You must provide a value expression on the right-hand side of the '-' operator. At C:\Script\restoreSharesAcls.ps1:114 char:30

PS C:\Script> help Add-NcCifsShare

NAME Add-NcCifsShare

SYNOPSIS Creates a new CIFS share rooted at the specified path.

SYNTAX Add-NcCifsShare [-Name] [-Path] [-ShareProperties <String[]>] [-SymlinkProperties <String[]>] [-F ileUmask ] [-DirUmask ] [-Comment ] [-OfflineFilesMode ] [-AttributeCacheTtl ] [-VscanProfile ] [-MaxConnectionsPerShare ] [-ForceGroupForCreate ] [-DisablePathValidation ] [-VserverContext ] [-Controller <NcController[]>] [-ZapiRetryCount ] []

DESCRIPTION Creates a new CIFS share rooted at the specified path.

RELATED LINKS Set-NcCifsShare Remove-NcCifsShare Get-NcCifsShare

REMARKS To see the examples, type: "get-help Add-NcCifsShare -examples". For more information, type: "get-help Add-NcCifsShare -detailed". For technical information, type: "get-help Add-NcCifsShare -full".

I've read the older version of the script and I changed back the line 97:

    $mycmd = $mycmd + " -ShareProperties $myShareProp    

Now it looks

    $mycmd = $mycmd + " -ShareProperties ""$myShareProp"""

But I read this error now:

PS C:\Script> Add-NcCifsShare -VserverContext svm_ITMIJENE06 -Name "vol_itmijefs_test" -Path "/vol_itmijefs_test" -Share Properties "browsable,changenotify,oplocks" -SymlinkProperties "enable" -OfflineFilesMode "manual" Add-NcCifsShare : Invalid value specified for "share-properties" element within "cifs-share-create": "browsable,changen otify,oplocks". At line:1 char:16

whyistheinternetbroken commented 9 years ago

I don't see any output in the email you sent.

Did changing the line do anything for you?

On Mon, Aug 17, 2015 at 10:34 AM, admiralmorgan wrote:

Thanks for the response!

I'm using Ontap 8.3p2

Here is the error in english and the output you requested:

I've read the older version of the script and I changed back the line 97:

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

admiralmorgan commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the response!

I'm using Ontap 8.3p2

Here is the error in english and the output you requested:

PS C:\Script> .\restoreSharesAcls.ps1 -server -user admin -password netapp123 -vserver svm_ITMIJENE06 -shareFile C:\share.xml -aclFile C:\acl.xml -spit more You must provide a value expression on the right-hand side of the '-' operator. At C:\Script\restoreSharesAcls.ps1:114 char:30

$mycmd = $mycmd + " - <<<< SymlinkProperties ""$mySymlinkProp"""
    CategoryInfo : ParserError: (:) [], ParseException
    FullyQualifiedErrorId : ExpectedValueExpression

PS C:\Script> help Add-NcCifsShare

NAME Add-NcCifsShare

SYNOPSIS Creates a new CIFS share rooted at the specified path.

SYNTAX Add-NcCifsShare [-Name] [-Path] [-ShareProperties ] [-SymlinkProperties ] [-F ileUmask ] [-DirUmask ] [-Comment ] [-OfflineFilesMode ] [-AttributeCacheTtl ] [-VscanProfile ] [-MaxConnectionsPerShare ] [-ForceGroupForCreate ] [-DisablePathValidation ] [-VserverContext ] [-Controller ] [-ZapiRetryCount ] []

DESCRIPTION Creates a new CIFS share rooted at the specified path.

RELATED LINKS Set-NcCifsShare Remove-NcCifsShare Get-NcCifsShare

REMARKS To see the examples, type: "get-help Add-NcCifsShare -examples". For more information, type: "get-help Add-NcCifsShare -detailed". For technical information, type: "get-help Add-NcCifsShare -full".

I've read the older version of the script and I changed back the line 97:

$mycmd = $mycmd + " -ShareProperties $myShareProp    

Now it looks

$mycmd = $mycmd + " -ShareProperties ""$myShareProp"""

But I read this error now:

PS C:\Script> Add-NcCifsShare -VserverContext svm_ITMIJENE06 -Name "vol_itmijefs_test" -Path "/vol_itmijefs_test" -Share Properties "browsable,changenotify,oplocks" -SymlinkProperties "enable" -OfflineFilesMode "manual" Add-NcCifsShare : Invalid value specified for "share-properties" element within "cifs-share-create": "browsable,changen otify,oplocks". At line:1 char:16

Add-NcCifsShare <<<< -VserverContext svm_ITMIJENE06 -Name "vol_itmijefs_test" -Path "/vol_itmijefs_test" -ShareProperties "browsable,changenotify,oplocks" -SymlinkProperties "enable" -OfflineFilesMode "manual"
    CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: ( [Add-NcCifsShare], EINVALIDINPUTERROR
    FullyQualifiedErrorId : ApiException,DataONTAP.C.PowerShell.SDK.Cmdlets.Cifs.AddNcCifsShare
whyistheinternetbroken commented 9 years ago

Nevermind. GMail cut the output out. I see it on Github now.

The 2nd error you got was what the change was intended to fix. I'd recommend changing that back.

As for the Symlink issue, do you have the latest version of the ONTAP powershell toolkit module installed? Be sure to use the latest available:

whyistheinternetbroken commented 9 years ago

Also, be sure there isn't a space between - and SymlinkProperties.

Can you paste the contents of the script you are using?

admiralmorgan commented 9 years ago

I'm using Ontap powershell toolkit 3.2.1

Here is the script I have downloaded (before any modification):


Run as: .\restoreSharesAcls.ps1 -server -user -password -vserver -shareFile -aclFile -spit <none,less,more depending on info to print>



1. If you want to save create back shares from xml file C:\share.xml and acls from xml file C:\acls.xml on vserver vs2, with less information displayed on the screen

Run as: .\restoreSharesAcls.ps1 -server -user admin -password netapp1! -vserver vs2 -shareFile C:\share.xml -aclFile C:\acl.xml -spit less


2. If you only want to print the commands and not actually create the shares, use -printOnly

Run as: .\restoreSharesAcls.ps1 -server -user admin -password netapp1! -vserver vs2 -shareFile C:\share.xml -aclFile C:\acl.xml -spit less -printOnly true


This has been tested with the latest 8.2.x and 8.3.x cDOT releases.

# Param([parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [alias("s")] $server, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [alias("u")] $user, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [alias("p")] $password, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [alias("v")] $vserver, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [alias("sf")] $shareFile, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [alias("af")] $aclFile, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [alias("sp")] [Validateset("none","less","more")]$spit, [alias("po")] [Validateset("false","true")] $printOnly = "false")

You need to install the latest DataONTAP Powershell Toolkit. You can find it here:

Import-Module DataONTAP

$passwd = ConvertTo-SecureString $password -AsPlainText -Force $cred = New-Object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $user, $passwd $nctlr = Connect-NcController $server -Credential $cred $nodesinfo = @{}

$new_shares = Import-Clixml -Path $shareFile

if ($spit -ne "none") { echo "=====================================================================================" echo "SHARES" echo "====================================================================================="

if ($spit -eq "less")
elseif ($spit -eq "more")
    $new_shares | Format-List

} echo "====================================================================================="

$new_shares | foreach { $mycmd = "Add-NcCifsShare -VserverContext $vserver"

$myName = $_.ShareName

if (($myName -eq "admin$") -or ($myName -eq "c$") -or ($myName -eq "ipc$"))
    $mycmd = "Skip adding: " + $myName
    if ($spit -ne "none")
        echo "--------------------"

if (($myName -ne $null) -and ($myName -ne ""))
    $mycmd = $mycmd + " -Name ""$myName"""          

$myPath = $_.Path
if (($myPath -ne $null) -and ($myPath -ne ""))
    $mycmd = $mycmd + " -Path ""$myPath"""

$myComment = $_.Comment
if (($myComment -ne $null) -and ($myComment -ne ""))
    $mycmd = $mycmd + " -Comment ""$myComment"""          

$myShareProperties = $_.ShareProperties
if (($myShareProperties -ne $null) -and ($myShareProperties -ne ""))
    $myShareProp = ""
    foreach ($prop in $myShareProperties) {
        if ($myShareProp -eq "")
            $myShareProp = $prop
            $myShareProp = $myShareProp , $prop -join ','

Corrected issue with double quotes breaking share properties in 8.3.1 - 7/6/2015

    $mycmd = $mycmd + " -ShareProperties $myShareProp  
$mySymlinkProperties = $_.SymlinkProperties
if (($mySymlinkProperties -ne $null) -and ($mySymlinkProperties -ne ""))
    $mySymlinkProp = ""
    foreach ($prop in $mySymlinkProperties) {
        if ($mySymlinkProp -eq "")
            $mySymlinkProp = $prop
            $mySymlinkProp = $mySymlinkProp , $prop -join ','
    $mycmd = $mycmd + " -SymlinkProperties ""$mySymlinkProp"""          

$myFileUmask = $_.FileUmask
if (($myFileUmask -ne $null) -and ($myFileUmask -ne ""))
    $mycmd = $mycmd + " -FileUmask ""$myFileUmask"""          

$myDirUmask = $_.DirUmask
if (($myDirUmask -ne $null) -and ($myDirUmask -ne ""))
    $mycmd = $mycmd + " -DirUmask ""$myDirUmask"""          

$myOfflineFilesMode = $_.OfflineFilesMode
if (($myOfflineFilesMode -ne $null) -and ($myOfflineFilesMode -ne ""))
    $mycmd = $mycmd + " -OfflineFilesMode ""$myOfflineFilesMode"""          

$myAttributeCacheTtl = $_.AttributeCacheTtl
if (($myAttributeCacheTtl -ne $null) -and ($myAttributeCacheTtl -ne ""))
    $mycmd = $mycmd + " -AttributeCacheTtl ""$myAttributeCacheTtl"""          

$myVscanProfile = $_.VscanProfile
if (($myVscanProfile -ne $null) -and ($myVscanProfile -ne ""))
    $mycmd = $mycmd + " -VscanProfile ""$myVscanProfile"""          

if ($spit -ne "none")
    echo "--------------------"

if ($printOnly -eq "false")
    Invoke-Expression $mycmd
    Remove-NcCifsShareAcl -VserverContext $vserver -Share $myName -UserOrGroup Everyone 


$new_acls = Import-Clixml -Path $aclFile

if ($spit -ne "none") { echo "=====================================================================================" echo "ACLS" echo "====================================================================================="

if ($spit -eq "less")
elseif ($spit -eq "more")
    $new_acls | Format-List
echo "====================================================================================="


$new_acls | foreach { $mycmd = "Add-NcCifsShareAcl -VserverContext $vserver"

$myShare = $_.Share

if (($myShare -eq "admin$") -or ($myShare -eq "ipc$") -or ($myShare -eq "c$"))
    $myCmd = "Skip adding Acls for " + $myShare
    if ($spit -ne "none")
        echo "--------------------"

if (($myShare -ne $null) -and ($myShare -ne ""))
    $mycmd = $mycmd + " -Share ""$myShare"""          

$myUserGroupType = $_.UserGroupType
if (($myUserGroupType -ne $null) -and ($myUserGroupType -ne ""))
    $mycmd = $mycmd + " -UserGroupType ""$myUserGroupType"""

$myUserOrGroup = $_.UserOrGroup
if (($myUserOrGroup -ne $null) -and ($myUserOrGroup -ne ""))
    $mycmd = $mycmd + " -UserOrGroup ""$myUserOrGroup"""

$myPermission = $_.Permission
if (($myPermission -ne $null) -and ($myPermission -ne ""))
    $mycmd = $mycmd + " -Permission ""$myPermission"""          

if ($spit -ne "none")
    echo "--------------------"

if ($printOnly -eq "false")
    Invoke-Expression $mycmd


I've checked for any sintax error, but I may have missed something...

whyistheinternetbroken commented 9 years ago

Add a double quote to your script here:

$mycmd = $mycmd + " -ShareProperties $myShareProp"

Then try it again.

whyistheinternetbroken commented 9 years ago

Note that's a trailing " at the end. There wasn't one there before.

I'll make a change to the existing script.

admiralmorgan commented 9 years ago

It works like a charm!!!!

Thank you so mutch for the wonderfull work!! If you are ever near Milan (or at netapp insight emea) get in touch for a drink!!

whyistheinternetbroken commented 9 years ago

I will be in Berlin this year for sure. Doing two sessions. :)

Come find me!

whyistheinternetbroken commented 9 years ago

And thanks for pointing out the mistake!

admiralmorgan commented 9 years ago

Hi justin,

I've jsut put to work your script but I have an issue with the power shell, I've restoring a very big environment, with a lot of shares and ACL.

During the configuration of the shares I receive some errors, linked to an issue with the Key Sensitive configuration of the shares with CDOT. We have fixed it by manually creating the missing shares.

But the real issue is with the ACL. After a lot of ACL configuration the power shell begin to send out this errrors:

Add-NcCifsShareAcl -VserverContext ITMIJESV103 -Share "WS_ROAMING_PROFILES$" -UserGroupType "windows" -UserOrGroup "BUI

LTIN\Administrators" -Permission "full_control"

Add-NcCifsShareAcl : Could not find file 'C:\Users\silvestrir\AppData\Local\Temp\2\chnzhkaq.dll'.

At line:1 char:19

oup "BUILTIN\Administrators" -Permission "full_control"

+ CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (

[Add-NcCifsShareAcl], FileNotFoundExceptio


+ FullyQualifiedErrorId :


Add-NcCifsShareAcl -VserverContext ITMIJESV103 -Share "WS_ROAMING_PROFILES$" -UserGroupType "windows" -UserOrGroup "eve

ryone" -Permission "change"

My best guess is that after a LOT of commands the power shell has some issues... Has this happened to anyone else? Is there a way to resolve the issue?

Thanks for the support!!


On Mon, Aug 17, 2015 at 5:07 PM, Justin Parisi wrote:

And thanks for pointing out the mistake!

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

admiralmorgan commented 9 years ago

Hi justin,

I've jsut put to work your script but I have an issue with the power shell, I've restoring a very big environment, with a lot of shares and ACL.

During the configuration of the shares I receive some errors, linked to an issue with the Key Sensitive configuration of the shares with CDOT. We have fixed it by manually creating the missing shares.

But the real issue is with the ACL. After a lot of ACL configuration the power shell begin to send out this errrors:

Add-NcCifsShareAcl -VserverContext ITMIJESV103 -Share "WS_ROAMING_PROFILES$" -UserGroupType "windows" -UserOrGroup "BUI

LTIN\Administrators" -Permission "full_control"

Add-NcCifsShareAcl : Could not find file 'C:\Users\silvestrir\AppData\Local\Temp\2\chnzhkaq.dll'.

At line:1 char:19

oup "BUILTIN\Administrators" -Permission "full_control"

+ CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: ( [Add-NcCifsShareAcl], FileNotFoundExceptio


+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : ApiException,DataONTAP.C.PowerShell.SDK.Cmdlets.Cifs.AddNcCifsShareAcl

Add-NcCifsShareAcl -VserverContext ITMIJESV103 -Share "WS_ROAMING_PROFILES$" -UserGroupType "windows" -UserOrGroup "eve

ryone" -Permission "change"

My best guess is that after a LOT of commands the power shell has some issues... Has this happened to anyone else? Is there a way to resolve the issue?

Thanks for the support!!

whyistheinternetbroken commented 9 years ago

Does it work if you run Add-NcCifsShareAcl manually in PowerShell for one of the shares?

I don't think the size of the environment would be an issue here.

The error looks like it's choking on a missing dll. But I have no idea what that dll is. Google doesn't find anything called chnzhkaq.dll and it's not on my server running Win2k12. The folder it's looking in is a user named silvestrir. Is that you? Is that the user that's logged in?

Did you try a different server?

DLL issues usually are client issues. If we knew what that dll was from, we could figure out why it's broken. But I have no idea what that one is. This is unlikely an issue with the script itself.

On Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 6:37 AM, admiralmorgan wrote:

Hi justin,

I've jsut put to work your script but I have an issue with the power shell, I've restoring a very big environment, with a lot of shares and ACL.

During the configuration of the shares I receive some errors, linked to an issue with the Key Sensitive configuration of the shares with CDOT. We have fixed it by manually creating the missing shares.

But the real issue is with the ACL. After a lot of ACL configuration the power shell begin to send out this errrors:

Add-NcCifsShareAcl -VserverContext ITMIJESV103 -Share "WS_ROAMING_PROFILES$" -UserGroupType "windows" -UserOrGroup "BUI

LTIN\Administrators" -Permission "full_control"

Add-NcCifsShareAcl : Could not find file 'C:\Users\silvestrir\AppData\Local\Temp\2\chnzhkaq.dll'.

At line:1 char:19

  • Add-NcCifsShareAcl <<<< -VserverContext ITMIJESV103 -Share "WS_ROAMING_PROFILES$" -UserGroupType "windows" -UserOrGr

oup "BUILTIN\Administrators" -Permission "full_control"

  • CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: ( [Add-NcCifsShareAcl], FileNotFoundExceptio


  • FullyQualifiedErrorId : ApiException,DataONTAP.C.PowerShell.SDK.Cmdlets.Cifs.AddNcCifsShareAcl

Add-NcCifsShareAcl -VserverContext ITMIJESV103 -Share "WS_ROAMING_PROFILES$" -UserGroupType "windows" -UserOrGroup "eve

ryone" -Permission "change"

My best guess is that after a LOT of commands the power shell has some issues... Has this happened to anyone else? Is there a way to resolve the issue?

Thanks for the support!!

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .