Datafable / rolling-blackout-belgium

Rolling blackout plan in Belgium
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Add intro #40

Closed peterdesmet closed 9 years ago

peterdesmet commented 9 years ago

We could use (part) of the readme:

Due to reduced power production, Belgium may encounter power shortages this winter. To migitate a complete power failure, the Belgian Government has announced a rolling blackout plan (afschakelplan/plan de délestage), in which municipalities and districts are temporarily cut off from power at a known time. These municipalities are grouped in sections (schijven/tranches). We found however, that neither the released data, nor existing visualizations are very accessible or show a complete picture of the rolling blackout plan.

Which we would have to translate.

peterdesmet commented 9 years ago

Here's a screenshot. I also removed the navbar, which I always found a bit of overkill for just having languages:


bartaelterman commented 9 years ago

Yes, I would drop the last sentence, and replace it by "Here you can select one of those sections. If your municipality turns red, chances are you'll experience a couple of hours without electricity."

peterdesmet commented 9 years ago

Ok, here's a full proposal:

Due to reduced power production, Belgium may encounter power shortages this winter. To mitigate a complete power failure, the Belgian Government has announced a [rolling blackout plan](), in which municipalities and districts are temporarily cut off from power at a known time. These cut offs are grouped in sections, which you can select below. If your municipality is not dark green, you may experience a couple of hours without electricity. To see details per district, just select your municipality on the map.

peterdesmet commented 9 years ago

New version is in pull request #41. Still have to add translations though.

bartaelterman commented 9 years ago


bartaelterman commented 9 years ago


Door het nakende energietekort besliste de Belgische regering om een afschakelplan op te stellen waarin verschillende (deel)gemeenten tijdelijk zonder elektriciteit worden gezet. Het afschakelplan is in schijven verdeeld, welke je hieronder kan selecteren. Kleurt jouw gemeente in een schijf niet donkergroen, dan loop je het risico om deze winter enkele uren zonder elektriciteit te vallen. Wil je de gedetailleerde informatie per deelgemeente zien, klik dan op je gemeente op de kaart.

peterdesmet commented 9 years ago

Had already started, but your version is much better. Good we have a native Dutch-speaker. :tongue:

Door het nakende energietekort besliste de Belgische regering om een afschakelplan op te stellen waar bij delen van verschillende (deel)gemeenten tijdelijk zonder elektriciteit worden gezet. Het afschakelplan is in schijven verdeeld, welke je hieronder kan selecteren. Kleurt jouw gemeente in een schijf niet donkergroen, dan loop je het risico om deze winter enkele uren zonder elektriciteit te vallen. Wil je de gedetailleerde informatie per deelgemeente zien, klik dan op jouw gemeente op de kaart.

I also changed to jouw in the text next to the map. We could also drop the last sentence, as it's very similar to the text next to the map, but I don't mind keeping it either.

For the French translation, I'll call for help. @niconoe @silenius, can you help? Dutch is above, this is the English version:

Due to reduced power production, Belgium may encounter power shortages this winter. To mitigate a complete power failure, the Belgian Government has announced a rolling blackout plan, in which parts of municipalities and districts are temporarily cut off from power at a known time. These cut offs are grouped in sections, which you can select below. If your municipality is not dark green, you may experience a couple of hours without electricity. To see details per district, just select your municipality on the map.

bartaelterman commented 9 years ago

I would keep both sentences in there. Just to make sure they don't get confused.

silenius commented 9 years ago

Here is the French version: "En raison d'une production d'énergie réduite la Belgique pourrait rencontrer des pénuries d'électricité cet hiver. Pour éviter une panne d'électricité générale le gouvernement belge a annoncé un plan de délestage, dans lequel des parties de territoire seraient temporairement privées d'électricité à un moment donné. Ces coupures sont groupées en sections, que vous pouvez sélectionner ci-dessous. Si votre commune n'est pas en vert foncé, vous être susceptible d'être privé d'électricité pendant quelques heures. Pour voir le détail par district il suffit de sélectionner votre commune sur la carte"

peterdesmet commented 9 years ago

Thanks a lot @silenius. The new version is live: (you might need to Cmd + Shift + R)