Currently, while attempting to create connection using connection_uri for postgres database if password contains the "@" sign then it's throwing error.
"error_code": "invalid_database_connection",
"message": "Unable to connect to db: string",
"description": "(psycopg2.OperationalError) could not translate host name \"\" to address: Name or service not known\n\n(Background on this error at:",
"detail": {
"alias": "string",
"use_ssh": false,
"connection_uri": "gAAAAABmfUgccbOrIiubyfieUiutUYvtytbyiubvjuVrubyuvtuWghSRsxJe-eIVA1ezGLqPoXJaicYgOMVNEJgH-XFoi5F3-IZKI-EQwM-cSkLL3KqW9umFG4rukQUOkAUfO6qJt3WLhSjAea3094yYvNex-ppzJkPLfyoKDleWkejnKJ-hMlGqTh2q_oRIK-5QYFps4NicXQZfIJPHlDqYdt-4x56SX79hzsiE=",
"path_to_credentials_file": "string",
"llm_api_key": null,
"ssh_settings": null,
"file_storage": null
Even if you try with "%40" at the place of "@" you will get the same error as above. It's because while decrypting the connection_uri, it's again converting "%40" into "@" and then sqlalchemy throw you error.
Proposed Solution:
Update from_uri method under class SQLDatabase in services/engine/dataherald/sql_database/ file:
from urllib.parse import unquote, quote_plus # import quote_plus also
def from_uri(
cls, database_uri: str, engine_args: dict | None = None
) -> "SQLDatabase":
"""Construct a SQLAlchemy engine from URI."""
_engine_args = engine_args or {}
if database_uri.lower().startswith("duckdb"):
config = {"autoload_known_extensions": False}
_engine_args["connect_args"] = {"config": config}
# database_pass = database_uri.rsplit('@', 1)[0].rsplit(":", 1)[1] # this can also work
database_pass =':[^:]*:(.*)@[^@]*$', database_uri).group(1) # newly added
_database_uri = database_uri.replace(database_pass, quote_plus(database_pass)) # newly added
engine = create_engine(_database_uri, **_engine_args) # using new _database_uri instead of database_uri
return cls(engine)
this will first generate encoding of password using urllib.parse and replace the encoded password at the place of provided one.
Expected Outcome:
By implementing these lines we will be able to handle extra characters in password.
Preliminary Evaluation:
I've carried out initial assessments of the suggested modifications, tested the proposed solution using Docker as suggested in the
At present, I haven't initiated a pull request, opting instead to solicit feedback on the proposed solution as I believe there may be more efficient methods to achieve this.
Issue Description:
Currently, while attempting to create connection using connection_uri for postgres database if password contains the "@" sign then it's throwing error.
Even if you try with "%40" at the place of "@" you will get the same error as above. It's because while decrypting the connection_uri, it's again converting "%40" into "@" and then sqlalchemy throw you error.
Proposed Solution:
method under classSQLDatabase
file:this will first generate encoding of password using
and replace the encoded password at the place of provided one.Expected Outcome:
By implementing these lines we will be able to handle extra characters in password.
Preliminary Evaluation:
I've carried out initial assessments of the suggested modifications, tested the proposed solution using Docker as suggested in the
At present, I haven't initiated a pull request, opting instead to solicit feedback on the proposed solution as I believe there may be more efficient methods to achieve this.