Datalux / Osintgram

Osintgram is a OSINT tool on Instagram. It offers an interactive shell to perform analysis on Instagram account of any users by its nickname
GNU General Public License v3.0
9.85k stars 2.19k forks source link

Instagram account location verification issue #473

Open SparkAladdin opened 2 years ago

SparkAladdin commented 2 years ago

I keep getting this error with the python3 ClientError checkpoint_challenge_required (Code: 400, Response: {"message": "challenge_required", "challenge": {"url": "", "api_path": "/challenge/AXGYWDhcX3GuzwImJy8sjwogspdvIL8rWYheus53rh1neI12H4X6EhuEO_ulEGrEzq8s1Po/LygN2jAoqTDKc7e0/", "hide_webview_header": true, "lock": true, "logout": false, "native_flow": true, "flow_render_type": 0}, "status": "fail", "error_type": "checkpoint_challenge_required"})challenge_required: checkpoint_challenge_required

I would click "this was me" and try again, and it still would give me this error.

arefkhodabandeh commented 2 years ago

with browser go to your Instagram account and you see security tips, solve it

PitonProci commented 1 year ago

with browser go to your Instagram account and you see security tips, solve it

i did it but nothing