Datalux / Osintgram

Osintgram is a OSINT tool on Instagram. It offers an interactive shell to perform analysis on Instagram account of any users by its nickname
GNU General Public License v3.0
9.85k stars 2.19k forks source link

Osintgram pls help #620

Open oldstray opened 2 years ago

oldstray commented 2 years ago
Screen Shot 1444-04-19 at 9 45 38 PM
oldstray commented 2 years ago

@haiderali9-9 on instagram?

oldstray commented 2 years ago

i will try thx

oldstray commented 2 years ago

@haiderali9-9 it did't work

haiderali9-9 commented 2 years ago

Same happened In my case It doesn't work on my old account20221114_002747.jpg But I create new dummy account and it works perfectly 20221114_003222.jpg

oldstray commented 2 years ago

@haiderali9-9 how did u create the new account maybe i did something rong

oldstray commented 2 years ago

@haiderali9-9 did u use a dummy email or normal email ?

oldstray commented 2 years ago

@haiderali9-9 i created a new account twice, and still didn't work

oldstray commented 2 years ago

@haiderali9-9 Maybe because of the verification message how do I cancel it?

t-abraham commented 2 years ago

InstAgent 🔎📸

InstAgent is a tool on Instagram to collect, analyze, and run reconnaissance.

The original developer is Datalux.

Since the original version is more or less inactive, I took the initiative to continue with the developments.