Datum / datum-sdk

Datum Javascript API
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funding wallet with DAT #4

Open abumalick opened 5 years ago

abumalick commented 5 years ago

I am trying to fund my wallet with DAT using https://faucet.megatron.datum.org/v1/faucet/dat/[developer wallet address - datum.identity.address]

I am using the address that I find in

Datum.createIdentity(this.password).then((identity) => {

I get a 504: Gateway time-out from cloudflare

What is the problem ?

abumalick commented 5 years ago

I really feel that most of the sdk documentation is for an old version of createIdentity.

a second example is

    storage: "https://node-eu-west.datum.org/storage",
    network: "https://node-us-west.datum.org/api",
    useFuelingServer : false,
    identity : [keystore],
    defaultPublicKeys : [publicKeys]

I don't have any publicKeys after using createIdentity, and I don't know how to get one...

Analyzing the code in the old example app give me a clue of what happened: https://github.com/Datum/datum-example-dapp/blob/9a3626415b18828fcb6541c3b97567286a7b3c02/src/component/NewAccount/index.js#L10-L12

the old createIdentity was returning {privateKey, publicKey, address}

Here are the mysterious address and publicKey that I was looking for...

I am really blocked on this, if I cannot get any DAT, I cannot use the sdk. Can you help me ?

klchankalam commented 5 years ago

Hi, we just check faucet and it is working, could you retry? For the sdk documentation, we are updating it and will be released soon. Let me reply here when we have it updated.