DavBfr / dart_pdf

Pdf creation module for dart/flutter
Apache License 2.0
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The list rendering issue according Page height. #1421

Open MuhamadHaydar opened 1 year ago

MuhamadHaydar commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug

The issue happens when the pdf renders the listview whose height does not fit the current page height.

When it renders the list of experiences in my application, if the height size (depending on the number of experiences) is higher than the full page size, the issue happens.


Here if I add one more Experience, it renders in the following way:



IF I add another experience, the issue happens, my resume won't be generated.

To Reproduce Code snippet to reproduce the behavior:

// your code
                      children: userProfile.cv!.experiences
                            (experience) => _Block(
                                title: experience.jobTitle,
                                fromDate: TimeUtils.formatDateToYearMonthForm(
                                endDate: TimeUtils.formatDateToYearMonthForm(
                                    experience.endDate ?? DateTime.now()),
                                jobCompany: experience.companyName,
                                description: experience.desc,
                                isRTL: false),

_block widget:

// your code
class _Block extends pdf.StatelessWidget {
    required this.isRTL,

  final String? title;
  final String? jobCompany;
  final String? fromDate;
  final String? endDate;
  final String? description;
  final bool isRTL;

  PdfColor green = PdfColor.fromInt(0xff9ce5d0);
  PdfColor lightGreen = PdfColor.fromInt(0xffcdf1e7);

  pdf.Widget build(pdf.Context context) {
    return pdf.Column(
        crossAxisAlignment: pdf.CrossAxisAlignment.stretch,
        children: <pdf.Widget>[
          title != null
              ? isRTL
                  ? pdf.Row(
                      mainAxisAlignment: pdf.MainAxisAlignment.end,
                      children: <pdf.Widget>[
                            flex: 7,
                            child: pdf.Text(
                              style: pdf.Theme.of(context)
                                    fontWeight: pdf.FontWeight.normal,
                                    fontSize: PDFService.singleJobTitleSize,
                                    color: PDFService.blueBoldColor,
                            flex: 1,
                            child: pdf.Container(
                              width: 6,
                              height: 6,
                              margin: const pdf.EdgeInsets.only(
                                  top: 5.5, left: 5, right: 5),
                              decoration: pdf.BoxDecoration(
                                color: green,
                                shape: pdf.BoxShape.circle,
                  : pdf.Row(
                      crossAxisAlignment: pdf.CrossAxisAlignment.start,
                      children: <pdf.Widget>[
                            flex: 1,
                            child: pdf.Container(
                              width: 6,
                              height: 6,
                              margin: const pdf.EdgeInsets.only(
                                  top: 5.5, left: 5, right: 5),
                              decoration: pdf.BoxDecoration(
                                color: green,
                                shape: pdf.BoxShape.circle,
                            flex: 7,
                            child: pdf.Text(
                              style: pdf.Theme.of(context)
                                    fontWeight: pdf.FontWeight.normal,
                                    color: PDFService.blueBoldColor,
                                    fontSize: PDFService.singleJobTitleSize,
              : pdf.SizedBox.shrink(),
            decoration: pdf.BoxDecoration(
                border: isRTL
                    ? pdf.Border(
                        right: pdf.BorderSide(color: green, width: 2),
                    : pdf.Border(
                        left: pdf.BorderSide(color: green, width: 2),
            padding: isRTL
                ? pdf.EdgeInsets.only(right: 10, top: 5, bottom: 5)
                : pdf.EdgeInsets.only(left: 10, top: 5, bottom: 5),
            margin: isRTL
                ? pdf.EdgeInsets.only(right: 5)
                : pdf.EdgeInsets.only(left: 5),
            child: pdf.Column(
                crossAxisAlignment: pdf.CrossAxisAlignment.start,
                children: <pdf.Widget>[
                  pdf.SizedBox(height: 5),
                      ? pdf.Row(
                          mainAxisAlignment: pdf.MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
                          children: [
                                  flex: 1,
                                  child: pdf.Text(
                                    "${endDate ?? ""} - ${fromDate ?? ""}",
                                    style: pdf.Theme.of(context)
                                            fontWeight: pdf.FontWeight.normal,
                                            fontSize: PDFService.bodySize,
                                            color: PdfColors.grey700),
                                  flex: 1,
                                  child: pdf.Text(
                                    jobCompany ?? "",
                                    style: pdf.Theme.of(context)
                                            fontWeight: pdf.FontWeight.normal,
                                            fontSize: PDFService.bodySize,
                                            color: PdfColors.grey700),
                      : pdf.Row(
                          mainAxisAlignment: pdf.MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
                          children: [
                                  flex: 1,
                                  child: pdf.Text(
                                    jobCompany ?? "",
                                    style: pdf.Theme.of(context)
                                            fontWeight: pdf.FontWeight.normal,
                                            fontSize: PDFService.bodySize,
                                            color: PdfColors.grey700),
                                  flex: 1,
                                  child: pdf.Text(
                                    "${fromDate ?? ""} - ${endDate ?? ""}",
                                    style: pdf.Theme.of(context)
                                            fontWeight: pdf.FontWeight.normal,
                                            fontSize: PDFService.bodySize,
                                            color: PdfColors.grey700),
                  pdf.SizedBox(height: 10),
                  description != null
                      ? pdf.Text(description!,
                          style: pdf.Theme.of(context)
                                  fontWeight: pdf.FontWeight.normal,
                                  fontSize: PDFService.bodySize,
                                  color: PdfColors.grey700))
                      : pdf.SizedBox.shrink(),
                  SizedBox(height: 10)

Expected behavior

I want to render the last experience in a new page, not moving whole experiences to the next page.


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MuhamadHaydar commented 1 year ago

@DavBfr Please have a look of this issue.

bksbora commented 1 year ago

ahh try to divide experiences , you are showing whole experience part like one union

MuhamadHaydar commented 1 year ago

@bksbora As it's the list of items, I used ListView to show the experiences, if the height does not fit the page, it throws an issue and the pdf won't be generated.

bksbora commented 1 year ago

@MuhamadHaydar brother , think like that you are giving array.length to a builder it creates hisself completely then goes to A4 page ,not fits. So what can we do ,we can divide our array. Previously, you have 1 listview or 2 , now it should be more. Hope you understand , if you didn't add me on discord : borakececi