DavHau / nix-portable

Nix - Static, Permissionless, Installation-free, Pre-configured
MIT License
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Relation to static builds in Hydra? #41

Open mausch opened 2 years ago

mausch commented 2 years ago

Hi, I occasionally need a lightweight static Nix so when I google for it I land on this repo.

Then I remember that there was some kind of official static build, so I look some more and find https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/56281 .

I think in the past I've used both this build (thanks BTW!) and the one in Hydra, and I wonder if there are any differences between them?

mausch commented 2 years ago

Ah for one I think this one is truly portable whereas the Hydra build still puts the nix store in /nix

tennox commented 1 year ago

...which now seems to have improved in nix itself, according to the last release summary: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ypFLcMCSzNA (last section 'portable nix')
