DaveWoodCom / XCGLogger

A debug log framework for use in Swift projects. Allows you to log details to the console (and optionally a file), just like you would have with NSLog() or print(), but with additional information, such as the date, function name, filename and line number.
MIT License
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AutoRotatingFileDestination Crash some times #278

Open Zeropointer11 opened 5 years ago

Zeropointer11 commented 5 years ago

Hi i use the XCGLogger Version 6.1.0 github "DaveWoodCom/XCGLogger" "6.1.0" and get sometimes the File Rotataion Crash at syncronizeFile() may be you will add a Lock on the File Handler to fix it?

private func closeFile() { logFileHandle?.synchronizeFile() logFileHandle?.closeFile() logFileHandle = nil }

Here is the Crash Report

` Application Specific Information: Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSFileHandleOperationException', reason: ' -[NSConcreteFileHandle synchronizeFile]: No such file or directory'

Last Exception Backtrace: 0 CoreFoundation 0x00000001948c4ec4 __exceptionPreprocess + 228 1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x0000000193a95a40 objc_exception_throw + 52 2 CoreFoundation 0x00000001947cb594 +[NSException raise:format:] + 112 3 Foundation 0x0000000195318610 NSFileHandleRaiseOperationException + 156 4 XCGLogger 0x000000010d25a38c XCGLogger.FileDestination.rotateFile(to: Any, closure: (Swift.Bool) -> ()?) -> Swift.Bool (FileDestination.swift:137) 5 XCGLogger 0x000000010d249478 XCGLogger.AutoRotatingFileDestination.rotateFile() -> () (AutoRotatingFileDestination.swift:237) 6 XCGLogger 0x000000010d249768 XCGLogger.AutoRotatingFileDestination.write(message: Swift.String) -> () (AutoRotatingFileDestination.swift:283) 7 XCGLogger 0x000000010d23902c closure #1 () -> () in XCGLogger.BaseQueuedDestination.output(logDetails: XCGLogger.LogDetails, message: Swift.String) -> () (BaseQueuedDestination.swift:41) 8 XCGLogger 0x000000010d238bcc XCGLogger.BaseQueuedDestination.output(logDetails: XCGLogger.LogDetails, message: Swift.String) -> () (BaseQueuedDestination.swift:48) 9 XCGLogger 0x000000010d23ea8c XCGLogger.BaseDestination.process(logDetails: XCGLogger.LogDetails) -> () (BaseDestination.swift:124) 10 XCGLogger 0x000000010d2400c4 protocol witness for XCGLogger.DestinationProtocol.process(logDetails: XCGLogger.LogDetails) -> () in conformance XCGLogger.BaseDestination : XCGLogger.DestinationProtocol in XCGLogger (:0) 11 XCGLogger 0x000000010d25dff8 XCGLogger.XCGLogger.logln(: XCGLogger.XCGLogger.Level, functionName: Swift.String, fileName: Swift.String, lineNumber: Swift.Int, userInfo: [Swift.String : Any], closure: () -> Any?) -> () (XCGLogger.swift:335) 12 XCGLogger 0x000000010d25dc7c XCGLogger.XCGLogger.logln(: XCGLogger.XCGLogger.Level, functionName: Swift.StaticString, fileName: Swift.StaticString, lineNumber: Swift.Int, userInfo: [Swift.String : Any], closure: () -> Any?) -> () (XCGLogger.swift:313) 13 XCGLogger 0x000000010d25f9d0 merged XCGLogger.XCGLogger.verbose(: @autoclosure () -> Any?, functionName: Swift.StaticString, fileName: Swift.StaticString, lineNumber: Swift.Int, userInfo: [Swift.String : Any]) -> () + 144 14 XCGLogger 0x000000010d25f2ac XCGLogger.XCGLogger.warning(_: @autoclosure () -> Any?, functionName: Swift.StaticString, fileName: Swift.StaticString, lineNumber: Swift.Int, userInfo: [Swift.String : Any]) -> () + 28 15 Ticketing-Offline 0x00000001031135b4 generic specialization of closure #3 (Alamofire.DefaultDownloadResponse) -> () in closure #1 (RxSwift.AnyObserver) -> RxSwift.Disposable in TicketingOffline.TSAPIService.download(: Swift.String, destinationPath: Swift.String, method: Alamofire.HTTPMethod, parameters: [Swift.String : Any]?, headers: [Swift.String : Swift.String]?) -> RxSwift.Observable (TSAPIService.swift:390) `

ehmjaysee commented 5 years ago

Hi, are you configuring your log to use background processing? i.e. fileDestination.logQueue = XCGLogger.logQueue

If yes then you may be hitting the same issue I reported here: https://github.com/DaveWoodCom/XCGLogger/issues/260

When you enable background processing a crash can occur if there are any messages waiting in the log message queue when the rotation happens. The rotation code will close the old file and open a new file. Later on the background thread runs and tries to write log messages to the old file which was just closed by the rotation logic. Writing to a stale file ID causes the crash.

Zeropointer11 commented 5 years ago

Hi, ehmjaysee yes i am using the logQueue for processing it in Background. But i have add it to fix the AutoRotate crashes. For a smal amount of time it looks like the crash was fixed but it was not. When i did not set the logQueue it Crashs on every file Rotation.