DavesCodeMusings / mpremote-vscode

Visual Studio Code extension for mpremote Python module
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Single quotes not accepted by mpremote #21

Closed somervda closed 3 months ago

somervda commented 3 months ago

mpremote-vccode seems to wrap file paths etc in single quotes which do not seem to be accepted by mpremote. If I try the same commands with double quotes they will work. Maybe mpremote has changed to only accept double quotes?

For example when I try an use the file system ls command I get this error

C:\projects\owonpy>py.exe -m mpremote connect COM3 fs ls '/' ls :'/' Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 2, in TypeError: unsupported types for truediv: 'str', 'str'

BTW: I like the extension, it will be a handy addition when using mpremote so I am hoping this is an easy fix or there is some setting I should be using.

DavesCodeMusings commented 3 months ago

Well, shoot. That's a new one. Single quotes have always worked up until now. Can you tell me what version of mpremote you're using? Maybe something's changed??? I'll try to reproduce the error.

DavesCodeMusings commented 3 months ago

Looks like it's a shell thing.

If I use PowerShell, everything is fine...

PS C:\Users\Dave\src> py.exe -m mpremote connect COM9 fs ls '/'
ls :/
         964 boot.py
         101 config.py
           0 lib/
         461 main.py

If I use cmd.exe, I get an error similar to yours...

C:\Users\Dave>py.exe -m mpremote connect COM9 fs ls '/'
ls :'/'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 2, in <module>
TypeError: unsupported types for __truediv__: 'str', 'str'

Probably just change your default terminal to PowerShell in VSCode. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44435697/change-the-default-terminal-in-visual-studio-code

somervda commented 3 months ago

Thanks - that was my problem