David-Development / Task-Sync

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recurring tasks #38

Open gour opened 9 years ago

gour commented 9 years ago


I'm looking for Android Tasks app with support for recurring task which can be synced via ownCloud with GNOME's Evolution. OpenTasks app has 'recurring events' on its TODO, but I wonder whether Task-Sync has support for it?

David-Development commented 9 years ago

No, not yet. Sorry. But I will put it on my todo-list.

steve-s-71 commented 7 years ago

@gour I am also looking for an Android Tasks app with support for recurring task which can be synced via ownCloud or NextCloud. Have you meanwhile found a solution?

@David-Development or have you meanwhile realized this in Task-Sync?

gour commented 7 years ago

@steve-s-71 In the meantime I moved to DAVdroid app and Baikal server instead of Next/ownCloud and use Emacs' org-mode for tasks which has its own syncing mechanism - e.g. Orgzly app which should get syncing option soon.