David-Durst / aetherling

Create auto-scheduled data-parallel pipelines in hardware with user-friendly Python
MIT License
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Port Renamed Incorrectly #18

Closed David-Durst closed 5 years ago

David-Durst commented 5 years ago

When I run https://github.com/David-Durst/aetherling/blob/master/tests/test_delayed_buffer.py#L12

self = <coreir.module.ModuleDef object at 0x10c09b2e8>
field = 'RAM_Array_8_Bit_t_3n_inst0.in'

    def select(self, field):
        if not libcoreir_c.COREModuleDefCanSelect(self.ptr, str.encode(field)):
>           raise SelectError("Cannot select path {field}".format(field=field))
E           coreir.module.SelectError: Cannot select path RAM_Array_8_Bit_t_3n_inst0.in

The issue is that the WADDR port on the module https://github.com/David-Durst/aetherling/blob/master/aetherling/modules/ram_any_type.py is being renamed to in.

The renaming code in Magma is at https://github.com/phanrahan/magma/blob/master/magma/backend/coreir_.py#L160-L171.