David-Kunz / gen.nvim

Neovim plugin to generate text using LLMs with customizable prompts
The Unlicense
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Gen.nvim don't work #35

Closed yesidrs closed 8 months ago

yesidrs commented 8 months ago

Hi, when I try to use gen, the plugin doesn't generate anything:


I have installed ollama and mistral:instruct


I am using lazy to install it and this is my config to gen.nvim

return {
    config = function()
        require("gen").prompts["DevOps me!"] = {
            prompt = "You Are a senior devops engineer, acting as an assistant. You offer help with cloud technologies like: Terraform, AWS, Kubernetes, Python, Azure DevOps yaml pipelines. You answer with code examples when possible. $input:\n$text",
            replace = true,

        vim.keymap.set("v", "<leader>]", ":Gen<CR>")
        vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>]", ":Gen<CR>")

I am using and MacBook pro m2 with Ventura 13.6

ch-tactica commented 8 months ago

I'm afraid I'm having the same problem after a restart, tried ollama serve

Edit: Seems this was already reported in https://github.com/David-Kunz/gen.nvim/issues/32

yesidrs commented 8 months ago

@ch-tactica Thanks for share the issue channel, I temporarily resolved it downgrading the ollama version and thanks for your observation about the change in the output of ollama.