David-Kunz / gen.nvim

Neovim plugin to generate text using LLMs with customizable prompts
The Unlicense
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feat: opt in to default prompts #64

Closed tjex closed 5 months ago

tjex commented 5 months ago

I'd like to make a PR that implements the option for users to opt in/out of the default prompts.

Would look like this:

require("gen").setup({ load_default_prompts = bool })

Use case:

The default prompts can be "hidden" for users who do not want to use them, or want to modify them into their own version that they use instead of the original defaults.

Users who are content with only the default prompts, or adding a few of their own to compliment them will see no change.

David-Kunz commented 5 months ago

Hi @tjex ,

Thank you for this suggestion. Users are already in full control of the prompts, to overwrite the default ones, they can do

require('gen').prompts = {}

and add their own ones.

Would that work for you?

Thank you and best regards, David

tjex commented 5 months ago

hahaha truuuuuuue. Talk about (me) over complicating things 😅 This works for me for sure.