DavidADeVries / Polarization-Analysis

MATLAB Analysis Pipeline that takes raw polarimetry data, computes Mueller Matrices and various metrics, and then performs stats on these metrics.
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LegacyRegistrationSession metadata GUI #30

Closed DavidADeVries closed 8 years ago

DavidADeVries commented 8 years ago

fields to be inputed: sessionDate (date picker) sessionDoneBy (text field, default to userName) notes (multi-line text field) registrationType (drop down to select one of RegistrationTypes.m) registrationParams (single line textfield) rejected (true/false; default false) rejectedReason (multi-line text field) rejectedBy (text field, default to userName) the rejection fields should have the same disable feature as the microscope session gui

the input will be: (importPath, userName) the output will be: [cancel, sessionDate, sessionDoneBy, notes, registrationType, registrationParams, rejected, rejectedReason, rejectedBy]