DavidAJohn / FotoStorioMicroservices

.NET application built using a microservice architecture with Docker containers. Includes a Blazor WebAssembly e-commerce store with Stripe Elements payment integration.
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Use OpenIddict for identity #14

Open DavidAJohn opened 8 months ago

DavidAJohn commented 8 months ago

I'd like to update the Identity service project.

One option would be OpenIddict: https://documentation.openiddict.com/

DavidAJohn commented 5 months ago

Having looked at IdentityServer again recently I discovered that even the latest version (v7 for .NET 8) still uses Bootstrap 4 and jQuery in its .cshtml pages... in 2024!

I don't like the idea of that, but using Identity Server is still perhaps the least arduous - and most reliable - way to secure a containerized application. It would only involve customising the Login and Register pages after the initial setup.