DavidAJohn / FotoStorioMicroservices

.NET application built using a microservice architecture with Docker containers. Includes a Blazor WebAssembly e-commerce store with Stripe Elements payment integration.
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Update to .NET 8 #18

Closed DavidAJohn closed 3 months ago

DavidAJohn commented 7 months ago

It's time to gradually update the application to .NET 8, even if it's just a case of switching to the new v8 libraries for now and implementing new features later.

Anything that can help improve speed and reduce the memory footprint of each microservice has to be a good thing.

DavidAJohn commented 5 months ago

All of the gateway and service projects have now been moved to .NET 8, leaving just the Blazor front-end projects to be updated.

It was a little more complex than the move from .NET 6 to 7 because of the changes made to the official Microsoft .NET 8 SDK Docker images. This meant making changes to the docker compose file as well as each project's individual Dockerfile.

DavidAJohn commented 3 months ago

All of the projects in the solution have now been converted to .NET 8, including the Blazor projects and all of the test projects.