DavidAJohn / FotoStorioMicroservices

.NET application built using a microservice architecture with Docker containers. Includes a Blazor WebAssembly e-commerce store with Stripe Elements payment integration.
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Basket API and AutoMapper #24

Closed DavidAJohn closed 2 months ago

DavidAJohn commented 2 months ago

The Basket API also uses AutoMapper when updating (or POSTing to) a customer basket.

It uses a call to the Discount Grpc service to retrieve any current discounts for a particular product when it is added to a basket.

Testing in Postman, I found that with 2 items in a basket the request was completing in anywhere from 125ms to 288ms.

It would be interesting to see how much could be shaved off that by using what would be a very simple, one-way custom mapper class instead of AutoMapper.

Originally posted by @DavidAJohn in https://github.com/DavidAJohn/FotoStorioMicroservices/issues/23#issuecomment-2066573030