DavidAnson / vscode-markdownlint

Markdown linting and style checking for Visual Studio Code
MIT License
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Extension does not seem to work on Ubuntu, on WSL #308

Closed piotrminkina closed 7 months ago

piotrminkina commented 7 months ago


I'm using VSCode 1.84.2 with markdownlint extension in version 0.52.0 on Windows 11 Pro. With below .markdownlint.json all works fine, when my project is developed directly on Windows.

  "default": true,
  "MD012": {
    "maximum": 3
  "MD022": {
    "lines_above": 2,
    "lines_below": 1

But when I open the same project via WSL connection on Ubuntu 22.04, exception are thrown.

[9:13:28 PM] ERROR: Exception while linting with markdownlint-cli2:
AggregateError: Unable to require or import module '{docsmsft.docs-linting}/markdownlint-custom-rules/rules.js'.
    at A (/home/piotrek/.vscode-server/extensions/davidanson.vscode-markdownlint-0.52.0/bundle.js:37:6929)
    at async Promise.all (index 0)
    at async Promise.all (index 0)
    at async N (/home/piotrek/.vscode-server/extensions/davidanson.vscode-markdownlint-0.52.0/bundle.js:37:9881)
    at async R (/home/piotrek/.vscode-server/extensions/davidanson.vscode-markdownlint-0.52.0/bundle.js:37:14432)

This is basically a clean installation of Ubuntu, from the MS Store. Maybe it is missing some dependency?

Regards Piotr Minkina

DavidAnson commented 7 months ago

Duplicate of external issue #264. Steps to fix are linked there.