DavidArno / SuccincT

Discriminated unions, pattern matching and partial applications for C#
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Maybe.Some(null) does not throw and has a different behavior than Maybe.None() #51

Closed DeafLight closed 4 years ago

DeafLight commented 6 years ago

I'm currently testing SuccincT, quite happily so far, but encountered a problem when trying to integrate it in a part of a project I'm working on. Why is Maybe<string>.Some(null) allowed ?

var someNull = Maybe<string>.Some(null);

in this case, someValue.HasValue returns true and someNull.Value returns null, where I would have expected this to behave the way Maybe<string>.None() does (after all, it's seems to be the same thing semantically speaking), or at least to throw.

Of course this is not senseless, but in my mind it defeats the objective of Maybe, which is to provide a way of avoiding nulls. That means that if a legacy part of the project passes an unchecked value which turns to be null, Maybe will happily live with it, propagating it without complaining, meaning that I still need to rely on defensive code even in a Maybe enabled codebase.

Is there a reason I don't get behind this behavior ?

If not, which behavior would you recommend / prefer ?

DavidArno commented 6 years ago

Thanks for reporting this.

I'll mark this as a bug for now, until I have time to properly look at the code to assess why it's like it is and whether it's by design or not and whether that design is sensible or not.

DavidArno commented 6 years ago

This was definitely by design. null is a valid value for a string. However, I accept it's arguably flawed design, so I'd be happy to change it ... except what then happens with C# 8 when we have nullable reference types? I'd expect Maybe<string?> to definitely accept null then, and Maybe<string> to throw, but I don't know how that'll work. I need to ask around to see if there's a view amongst the language team as to how that'll be supported, if at all.

Quick update to this: these LDM notes are relevant to this topic.

DeafLight commented 6 years ago

I get your point, but does a Maybe<string?> make sense ? What I mean by that is that as far as I understand the objective of Maybe, Maybe<string?>.Some(null) does not mean anything (by definition, null is not "some"). So back to what I was mentioning before, I would go for either throwing in case of Maybe<string?>.Some(null), or maybe (because you're right, null is a valid value for string?), making Maybe<string?>.Some(null) behave the same way as Maybe<string?>.None().

What do you think ?

DavidArno commented 6 years ago

Well it turns out that the changes I'm making for v4 effectively force my hand here. I've never been happy with having Option<T> and Maybe<T>, so the latter is going and the former is becoming a struct. To make that play nicely with null:

  1. Assigning null to Some will throw,
  2. An implicit cast from null to an option will result in a none,
  3. Option<RefType>.None == null.
DeafLight commented 6 years ago

Sounds nice!

DavidArno commented 6 years ago

@xlecoustillier, since this topic is of interest to you, I'd like your opinion on a related topic, please.

What should I do with unions? Taking an extreme case, if I create a Union<int, None> (not actually possible as I do not expose None as a type, but for the sake of argument, let's say I did), it seems reasonable that it should behave the same as Option<int> with regards to null. But then what if I created a Union<string, List<string>>. What is it's relationship to null now?

My first though was to create yet another breaking change and have unions throw exceptions is given a null. But since I'm turning them into structs, I could do Union<string, List<string>> u = default; and avoid that null detection. I would therefore have to either ignore that problem, as have runtime checking for null for every action performed on a union after creation. That would be slower than current behaviour.

So I'm tempted to just say that Option is a special case with regard to null. Unions do nothing special with them. Do you have an opinion on this choice? Thanks.

DeafLight commented 6 years ago

Interesting question. From my point of view, default(Union<T1, T2>) does not really make sense, as Unions (and Eithers) should always hold exactly one value. Of course, there is no way to avoid this behavior, even if we could consider this as an error in itself. In an ideal world, a call to default(Union<T1, T2>) should throw or something, but I don't think this is possible.

So I would go for checking against null each time as you mentioned, or maybe have a property IsValid or something that would initialize to false in case of default (and to truein every other case, obviously) and check that instead.

Do you really think it would affect performance ? If yes, and if it's a problem, I personally can live with a default, as, again, it makes no sense and thus should not be used too much, even by mistake.

DavidArno commented 4 years ago

The following was implemented in v4:

Assigning null to Some will throw, An implicit cast from null to an option will result in a none, Option<RefType>.None == null.

Closing as implemented.