DavidBenko / TutorialView

A UIView subclass that will draw arrows and instructions to the screen for use in tutorial overlays. In iOS, uses Core Data, Core Animation, and Core Text. On Android, uses Path and other android.graphics.* classes.
31 stars 11 forks source link

Cocoapods #2

Open DavidBenko opened 10 years ago

DavidBenko commented 10 years ago

make this a pod

acegreen commented 8 years ago

This sounds very interesting. I'm looking for an overlay view with labelss and arrow.

I have a few questions for you:

  1. Can you assign a UIView to to be TutorialView in IB?
  2. If Q1 is yes, will this allow me to create labels in IB and have arrows put from them
  3. Can we create a pod as well as a demo project demonstrating this?
DavidBenko commented 8 years ago


  1. You can, but you would have to implement the -(void)initWithCoder: method first, because right now it won't fire the initialization code
  2. You can do this now, but you need to write code
  3. This was a small test project I wrote. I no longer support the project. Feel free to turn this into a pod and I will accept a pull request. See #3