DavidBrainard / RenderToolbox3

Matlab toolbox for managing graphics rendering for psychophysics
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How should we remove the BrainardLabToolbox dependency? #3

Closed benjamin-heasly closed 11 years ago

benjamin-heasly commented 11 years ago

Currently RenderToolbox3 depends on the BrainardLabToolbox, hosted at UPenn behind a user name and password.

We don't want users to have to ask permission. So we should remove this dependency or open-source the required functions.

What BrainardLabToolbox functions is RenderToolbox3 using, exactly?

benjamin-heasly commented 11 years ago

I wrote a new Utilities/FindDependencies() function to find dependent functions.

It invokes representative ExampleScenes/ Make* scripts (running all scripts would take hours) and captures function call data with the Matlab profiler.

It matches a regular expression against function file path strings and summarizes the functions that match.

I searched for "brainard" or "Brainard" to find Brainard Lab Toolbox functions. There were two matches:

Found 2 functions matching "[Bb]rainard":

/Users/ben/Documents/Projects/brainard-toolboxes/BrainardLabToolbox/trunk/PathUtilities/GetSVNInfo.m called by /Users/ben/Documents/Projects/RenderToolbox3/Utilities/GetRenderToolbox3VersionInfo.m

/Users/ben/Documents/Projects/brainard-toolboxes/BrainardLabToolbox/trunk/ImageProcessing/BasicToneMapCalFormat.m called by /Users/ben/Documents/Projects/RenderToolbox3/Utilities/XYZToSRGB.m

I suspect that both of these functions would be happy to move to Psychtoolbox or RenderToolbox3.

DavidBrainard commented 11 years ago

Yes. I will move both of these functions to PTB and that will solve this dependency. Will post again when I've done so.

DavidBrainard commented 11 years ago

Added GetSVNInfo and BasicToneMapCal format to master version of PTB, and removed from BrainardLabToolbox. This removes the dependency of RTB on the BrainardLabToolbox.

Note that this is only true at this moment if you update from the master (gitHub) version of the PTB, using either the SVN URL or git directly. Some users may not want to do this because the master version is not guaranteed to be stable. The two routines will arrive in the distribution release of PTB at the next PTB release, so we probably should not close this issue until that happens.

benjamin-heasly commented 11 years ago


Looks like there have already been a couple of Psychtoolbox releases in 2013, so maybe this will happen soon.

benjamin-heasly commented 11 years ago

As of 20 April 2013, it looks like our functions are part of the Psychtoolbox regular release. They are not listed in the notes, but I tried a regular download and our functions are there.

So this is done.